
reflection n.1.【物,計】反射;反射波[光,熱,音,色]。2.反...


He held up the crystal and looked through it at the sun's reflections . 他拿起了晶體,通過它來觀察反射來的陽光。

It is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections . 即使是最細膩的思想也是可以表達得很清楚的。

Electromagnetic theory was able to predict the mechanism of the reflection . 電磁理論能夠推算出反射的作用過程。

I have considered ever since i have been capable of serious reflection . 從我剛能夠認真思考的時候起就加以考慮。

His reflections as he made his toilette were rather dismal . 在他梳裝打扮的時候,他頭腦里思緒萬千,并不愉快。

He will blow up, and call names, and make reflections whenever they meet . 他碰頭就發脾氣,信口謾罵,算舊帳。

Reflection of a beam of light on the diaphragm falls on a phototransistor . 經膜片反射的光束照射到光敏管上。

Where we find any reflections at all determines the lattice type . 只要最終發現任何反射,就可確定點陣類型。

He did n't speak much , but what he said affords much food for reflection . 他的話雖然不多,卻耐人尋味。

The process of reflection does not in itself involve any energy loss . 反射過程本身不存在任何能量損耗。

This reflection intervened to blot luxurious picturings of her . 這種想法的介入排擠掉了對她的美好想象。

On further reflection , i saw that she might be right , after all . 我再三考慮,反倒覺得可能還是她對。

The approach of the farewell moment inspired them all with painful reflections . 別離引起大家的傷感。

Reflection from a rough surface is often called diffuse reflection . 粗糙表面的反射常常叫做漫射。

The second is the sequence of the reflections and their spacing . 第二個是這個反射波系及其間隔。

By reflection we have added another boundary condition . 通過鏡像法我們就得到了另一個邊界條件。

He much preferred to spend idle time in solitary reflection . 他寧可用閑暇的時間去單獨地反省。

After some reflection he answers himself, “all right. “ 想了一下以后,他自己回答說;“好吧。”

Fairway's words were the result of independent reflection . 費偉這番話完全是他個人捉摸出來的。