
reflect vt.1.【物,計】反射(光、熱、聲音等)。2.(鏡子等...


When viewed by reflected light, the center of the pattern is black . 用反射光觀察時,圖樣中央是黑的

“you are fortunate to live here,“ whipple reflected . “你們生活在這里真幸運,”惠普爾若有所思地說。

Feliks reflected . 費利克斯思索著。

A detector sampled the reflected intensity at various angles . 探測器在不同的角度收集反射束的強度。

He reflected that this was the first time he had seen her cry . 他心里想,這還是第一次看見她哭呢。

The trees on the shore line were reflected in the clear water . 沿岸的樹木在清清的河水里倒映出來。

It had come to that, he reflected despondently . 事情已經到了這個地步了,他沉思著,感到心灰意懶。

It reflects a chain-like interconnection between quantities . 它反映了諸量之間的一種鏈式的連系。

Western humour was bound to reflect these incongruities . 西部幽默當然會反映這些滑稽可笑的東西。

The last glow of reflected sunlight faded from the sky . 夕陽回照最后的一線紅光從天空中消逝了。

The reflected light is weak and completely linearly polarized . 反射光較弱,且是完全線偏振的。

Dantes reflected that he must attack his wedge . 鄧蒂斯知道他必須先進攻那塊作為楔子的大石。

They went back home, reflecting upon what they had seen . 他們回到家里,思考所見到的一切。

This reflected a migration of truly awesome proportions . 這是一種真正駭人的人口遷移運動。

“ture,“ said he, “and fearful to reflect upon. “ “真的,”他說,“回想起來就難過呀”。

Pairs of such reflecting surfaces are known as etalons . 這樣一對反射面通常稱為標準具。

I tried to reflect on what was happening to me . 我努力試圖對我周圍發生的事情進行反思。

To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting . 學而不思,猶如食而不化。

How distant those times seemed now , he reflected . 他在想那些日子現在已顯得多么遙遠。