
refit vt.整修(船等);重新裝修,改裝。vi.(船等)進行整...


The system is simple , easy to use and benefit to improve the emission effect of the refitted engine 通過此裝置,天然氣發動機排放特性得到提高。課題研究了改造天然氣發動機的壓縮比取值。

I establish on november 5th , 2004 . we do business for profit by our own products and computer refit Ag線上購物網成立于2004年11月5日,以自有品牌及電腦改裝產品線上銷售為主要營利業務。

Service visits are necessary for refitting about every six weeks ; costs per visit range from $ 50 to $ 75 and higher 每六周都需要拜訪服務部門以調整假發;每次費用從$ 50到$ 75甚至更高。

Shackles to be remarked with new seizing wires and red / white paint . then anchors and chains to be refitted back properly 連接環用新鋼絲綁扎并涂以紅白漆做標志,然后將錨及錨鏈裝妥。

Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled , examined , cleaned , greased , repaired if necessary and refitted 桅上旋轉部件拆開,檢查,清潔,必要時修理或換新,加牛油后裝妥。

Sanitary storm valves to be dismantled , cleaned , ground and coatd with anti - corrosive paint , then refitted in order 4只衛生水風浪閥拆卸,清潔,研磨并涂防銹漆,然后裝妥。

The paper can use to be as a conference of research on refitted cng engines or developed new cng engines 本文可作為天然氣單燃料發動機改造技術或開發技術研究的參考。

The practice amp; amp; improvement of refit head dual channel reverse circulation main shaft about g - 3 engineering driller 3工程鉆機動力頭雙通道反循環主軸改裝實踐

Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled , examined , cleaned , greaed , repaired if necessary and refitted 桅上旋轉部件拆開,檢查,清潔,必要時修理或換新。

The titan423 stabilization and lay machine made in germany is refitted and used to lay the fundus ballast 改裝德國titan423型穩定土攤鋪機,用于鋪設道床底碴。

The practice amp; improvement of refit head dual channel reverse circulation main shaft about g - 3 engineering driller 3工程鉆機動力頭雙通道反循環主軸改裝實踐

Problems with this system is also analyzed , a solution with refitting protocols is proposed as well 分析了該系統存在問題,提出了一種協議改裝的解決方案。

Influence of full - mechanized caving mining field on rock roadway and refit project without stopping production 綜放采場對周邊巖巷的影響及不停產整修方案

Parole the prisoners there , refit as necessary , and we shall rendezvous in portsmouth 使俘虜宣誓后釋放,船如有必要就整修我們將在樸茨茅斯會合

Refitted a diesel engine for a cng ( compressed natural gas ) single - fuel engine 課題針對這一實際情況,改造柴油發動機為天然氣單燃料發動機。

10 watertight doors on main deck to be removed , repaired , refitted and watertight tested as follows 10只主甲板水密門拆下,修后裝復并水密試驗。

10 watertight doors on main deck to be removed , repaired , refitted and watertight tested 10扇主甲板水密門拆下,修后裝復并進行水密試驗。

Process selection of refitting mechanical shaft kiln into rotary kiln or cement grinding station 機立窯改為回轉窯及水泥粉磨站方案選擇

Car - carrying hydraulic lifting platform is refitted with lifting platform and car 汽車載式液壓升降臺是由升降臺和汽車配套改裝而成的。