
refiner n.1.精煉者,精制者,提煉者。2.精煉機,精制機,精研...


A dynamic mathematical model for high - consistence pulp refining process , with flow rate of pulp , flow rate of white water , power of disc refiner as the model inputs , and specific energy , specific edge load , concentrator level as the model outputs , is presented based on specific edge load ( sel ) theory 研究了高濃打漿過程的建模問題,提出了基于比邊緣負荷理論( specificedgeloadtheory ,簡稱sel理論)的高濃打漿過程動態數學模型及成漿質量預報模型。

As being applied to production can save raw material and reduce cost . the experiment prosposes al - ti - b - re master alloy and theoretical analyses know that it can overcome some weakness of al - ti - b master alloy and belongs to ^ a grain refiner needing studied further 試驗還提出了aitibre中間合金,理論分析表明,它能夠克服aitib中間合金的一些缺陷,是一種有一待于我們進一步深入研究的細化劑。

Although slow to move into china only two of its previous five investments topped us $ 1m the refiner believes its strategy will lay a good foundation for expanding into the rapidly industrialising economy 盡管這家煉油商向中國邁進的步伐緩慢(在早先的5項投資中,只有2項超過100萬美元) ,但它仍相信,自己的策略將打下良好的基礎,有助于企業在中國這一迅速工業化的經濟體中發展業務。

Sovereign signalled last month that it had given up its two - year quest to reform corporate governance practices at sk corp , saying it no longer planned to try to wield influence over management at the world ' s second - biggest oil refiner 獨立資產管理集團上月曾表示,集團已放棄尋求改革sk公司治理實踐的努力,稱它已不再計劃嘗試對這家全球第二大煉油商的管理層施加影響。

The government , long reluctant to raise fuel prices for fear of a backlash , has recently shown signs of yielding to the complaints of loss - making refiners beset by the high price of crude oil 由于害怕社會反應太過強烈,政府一直不愿抬高燃料價格,現在卻有跡象表明,政府要向那些受高原油價格圍困一直虧損抱怨不斷的煉油企業們做出讓步了。

Recognizing the need to continue our service beyond initial installation we have committed to the refiners and licensors that an inventory of hydrofluoric acid valves will be maintained at pacific valves 我們認識到在初始安裝后,還要延續我們的服務,我們已經將氫氟酸閥門的備品目錄移交給需要維護美國太平洋閥門的煉油廠和發證機構。

The enormous forests also were insufficiently utilized , and the wastefulness of the natives was such that , for instance , camphor oil was treated as waste by the native refiners , who extracted camphor from the wood 巨大的森林也沒有充分的利用,當地人的浪費,好比說在從樟樹中制造樟腦的過程中,樟腦油被當作廢物。

The zdp series of double refiner machine is continuous beating pulp equipments for under low and consistency ( 2 - 5 % ) operation condition of various syrup , and can make various fine whet equipments 描述: zdp系列雙盤磨漿機為低濃( 2 - 5 % )操作條件下的多種漿料的連續打漿設備,并可作多種漿料纖維的精磨設備。

The shortages are a result of refiners stopping production in order to avoid losses caused by the difference between government - fixed retail prices and the soaring price of crude 造成目前燃油短缺的原因是,由于政府確定的零售價格滯后于不斷上漲的原油價格,一些煉油廠為了避免虧損而停止生產。

And he will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver , and he will purify the sons of levi and purge them like gold and like silver , and they will offer to jehovah a sacrifice in righteousness 3 ?必坐下如煉凈銀子的,必潔凈利未人,熬煉他們像金銀一樣,他們就必在公義中獻供物給耶和華。

Mixing mill for rubber or plastics , shreder for rubber , refiner , close mixing mill for rubber , steel wire tire rubber powder production line , regenerated rubber ( powder ) production equipments etc 煉膠機,煉塑機,破膠機,精煉機,密練機,鋼絲胎膠粉生產線,再生膠(粉)生產線設備等。

China raised petrol prices by 10 % last november , but oil refiners are still being forced to sell fuel below its international cost , which has caused shortages at petrol stations 中國在11月把汽油價格上漲了10 ,但煉油商仍不得不以低于國際成本的價格進行銷售,這造成加油站的供應緊缺。

And he shall sit as a refiner and purifer of silver : and he shall purify the sons of levi , and purge them as gold and silver , that they may offer unto the lord an offering in righteousness 瑪3 : 3他必坐下如煉凈銀子的、必潔凈利未人、熬煉他們像金銀一樣、他們就憑公義獻供物給耶和華。

The refiner disc abrasions in refining , including normal abrasions and abnormal abrasions is discussed , and the countermeasures of abrasions are studied 摘要本文探討了打漿過程中盤磨機的核心配件(磨片)的磨損形式,分析了正常磨損形式和非正常磨損的作用原理及生產上應該采取的對策。

Its refining operations also continued to lose money as retail gasoline prices remain capped at levels below which refiners cannot recoup the rising cost of crude 此外,由于政府一直限制汽油零售價,煉油廠不能彌補原油價格上漲所帶來的影響,因此,該公司的煉油業務繼續處于虧損狀態。

The average cost of oil used by u . s . refiners was $ 35 . 24 a barrel in 1981 , according to the energy department , or $ 75 . 44 in today ' s dollars 根據美國能源部的數據, 1981年,美國煉油廠平均的原油成本是35 . 24美金一桶,考慮到通貨膨脹和貨幣貶值等因素,相當于現在的75 . 44美金一桶。

Sinopec , which is china ' s largest refiner , initially plans to produce more than 4 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year at the field and double that amount by 2010 作為中國最大煉油廠的中石化,初期計劃該氣田每年生產40多億立方米的天然氣,到2010年的時候再翻一番。

The key problem of magnesium application is its poor forming ability , so it is very important to find an effective grain refiner for magnesium alloys 實踐證明,細小等軸的晶粒組織能改善其塑性變形能力,因此找到一種實用有效的工藝來細化鎂合金晶粒就顯得非常重要。

There are arc - furnaces of all sizes , refiner furnace for casting steel in the forging workshops , and there are blast cupola and main frequency furnace for casting iron and copper 鑄鋼鑄造分廠有各種噸位大中小電弧爐鋼包外精煉爐鑄鐵,鑄銅有沖天爐工頻感應爐。