
refinement n.1.精煉,提煉,提純,純化,精制;凈化;純凈,精美。...


Her mother is a woman with great refinement 她母親是一個非常文雅的女人。

Gasoline is produced by the refinement of petroleum 汽油是由石油經過提煉生產出來的。

Refinements to the linked exchange rate system 優化聯系匯率制度運作的措施

Grain refinement mechanism of zirconium in the mg - 9gd - 4y alloys 合金中的晶粒細化機制

A knowledge verification , validation and refinement subsystem :知識驗證暨精修子系統

Refinement and vulgarity : aesthetics ideas in chuanshan ' s poetics 船山詩學的美學觀念

On refinement of model structure for stochastic petri nets 網模型的精化設計

Beautiful and silent home for every luxury and refinement 改為出生在美麗詳和的家庭

Introduce the refinement marketing of chinese enterprises 淺談中國企業的精細化營銷

Lacking good manners , culture , or refinement 粗魯的缺乏良好的舉止,文化,或修養的

Viewpoint : the first anniversary of the three refinements 觀點:推出優化措施一周年

On the refinement of the themes of tang and song ci - poetry 論唐宋詞題材的雅化

All i meant to say was it ' s just nice to see some refinement 我想說的是在這種地方

The majority of us forget in a year or two all that we learnt at school because the conditions of our lives are such as to destroy all inclination for culture or refinement . 我們大多數人出了學校一兩年就把所學的東西全忘了,因為我們的生活條件扼殺了我們對文化教養的愛好。

Ferrand's vagabond refinement had beguiled him into charity that should have been bestowed on hospitals, or any charitable work but foreign missions . 費朗德浪跡江湖的文雅風度,騙得了他的施舍,而這種施舍原來是應該捐助醫院、或者外國教會以外的任何一種慈善事業的。

The ultimate refinement of advanced-generation selection is the development of indices which optimize the relative weighting of half-sib full-sib and individual tree performance . 下一代最后的精選,就是制定適合于全同胞、半同胞和單株表現的相對權重的指數。

It is to be expected that test equipment will require more and more refinements as engineering developments result in sensors of higher and higher quality . 可以預料,隨著科技的發展,傳感器的質量將愈來愈高,對測試設備精確度的要求也將愈來愈高。

At every step of production, from crystal growth to device packaging, numerous refinements are being made to improve the yield and reliability . 在生產中,為提高其成品率和可靠性,從晶體生長到器件封裝每一步工序均有很多細致工作要做。

In whom else do you see so much grace, and so much virtue; so much faith, and so much tenderness; with such a perfect refinement and chastity ? 請問,你們看到過誰這么優美,這么高尚,這么忠誠,這么溫柔,這么文雅,這么貞潔?