
refine vt.1.精煉,精制,提煉;純化,提純。2.使高尚,使優...


Today these steel pans have been so refined that skilled drummers can play not only caribbean rhythms but also bach and mozart . 如今,這此鋼鐵器皿加工得非常精致,技藝高超的鼓手不僅能擊奏加勒比海曲調,而且能演奏巴赫和莫扎特的樂章。

Miss temple had always something of serenity in her air, of state in her mien, of refined propriety in her language . 譚波爾小姐神情中總是帶點兒寧靜,儀態中總是帶點兒莊嚴,談吐總是彬彬有禮。

Century after century their artisans could perfect their skill, and their men and women refine upon refinement . 一個又一個世紀,他們的工匠可以使技巧日益完善,他們的男女的風度可以日益文雅。

Are you educated and he ignorant, you high and he low, you refined and he coarse, you talented and he simple ? 能說你有學問,他無知;你高貴,他卑賤;你文雅,他庸俗;你聰明,他愚蠢嗎?

The most they could have done was to lock mr. hatch up while he cooled off for a few days, or refine him a little something . 他們至多把哈奇關上幾天,讓他冷靜下來,或是罰他幾個錢。

His hands were white and small, his frame was fragile, his voice was quiet and his manners were refined . 他長得單薄,一雙手白皙而小巧,說起話來細聲細氣,一副文質彬彬的模樣

They continued talking for another hour, refining their ideas, their interest and eagerness growing . 他們又談了一個小時,進一步完善他們的想法,他們越談興趣越濃,勁頭越大。

There he sat, slim, frail, ill, but absolutely glowing with refined comprehension of our cause . 他坐在那里,身體瘦削,纖弱有病,但是卻充分表現出對我們的事業有精辟的理解。

Some of the stern fighting ability of his father showed in his slender, rather refined young face . 在他瘦削而不太文雅的年輕的面孔上,現出了他父親的一些嚴厲的戰斗力來。

For many such uses the prime need is for a solvent with no odour, and this necessitates very careful refining . 用在這些方面時,首先要求溶劑沒有氣味,這就必須細心精制。

The occurrence of neurotoxicity appears to be decreasing as more refined immunizing suspensions are used . 由于使用較為精制的免疫性懸液,出現神經中毒的情況正在減少。

His face had something of the youthful, optimistic look peculiar to the refined english type . 他的面孔多少帶有一種優美的英國人所特有的那種年輕、樂觀的神氣。

Most of oil in the u.s. is refined with caustic soda, soda ash or some combination of the two . 在美國,大多數豆油是用苛性蘇打,蘇打灰或二者的混合劑凈化的。

I like your nice manners and refined ways of speaking, when you don't try to be elegant . 當你不刻意充風雅的時候,我倒挺喜歡你得體的舉止和有分寸的談吐。

It requires a second fusion to refine it completely by freeing it from its last earthly impurities . 必須經過第二次熔解,除去最后的礦渣,才能提煉干凈。

On a more refined level, we can distinguish degrees of roughness, intensity and shade of color . 在比較精確的水平上,我們可以區別粗糙度,強度和色度。

Let me hear the most refined of cockneys presume to find fault with yorkshire manners ! 我倒要聽聽那些頂高尚的倫敦人怎樣找約克郡人在禮貌上的岔子。

Its refined terminology and class distinctions are frequently meaningful for engineering work . 其精練的名詞術語與分類特征常常對工程是有意義的。

Some very refined results may be expected in this age-old interaction . 在這么長期的、古老的關系的相互作用中,可以預料會出現某些非常精微的結果。