
referral n.1.介紹,指引,指點,指示;職業介紹,工作[職務]指...


My business is 100 % referral . and thus far , untraceable 我的生意100都是靠介紹到現在為止,是無法追蹤的

Audit approves erie service referrals 審計通過erie服務

Either way , we will not assign you a different referral 不管是哪種方式,我們都不會分配給你不同的提名。

With a referral to another doctor 說讓我找另外一個醫生

Property specifies the number of hops allowed when chasing referrals 屬性指定追蹤轉交時允許的躍點數。

How does your referral program work 推薦項目有什么規則?

Oc drc referral court allocation 遣送戒毒所與法庭案件主管

Medical informatics - messages for patient referral and discharge 醫療信息學.患者診療安排和出院的信息

Referral from complaints division of the legislative council secretariat 立法會秘書處申訴部作出的轉介

. . . with a referral to another doctor 說讓我找另外一個醫生

On referral service of modern information 現代信息咨詢服務

Gets or sets a value indicating how referrals are chased 獲取或設置指示如何追蹤轉交( referral )的值。

Referrals to arrange conference , business and translation services 推介安排使用商務設施及翻譯服務。

Are referral systems in place where options are limited 在避孕方法和服務有限的地區是否有轉診體系?

Enter the master server referral url 輸入主服務器引用url 。

Property contains the server referrals 屬性包含服務器檢索。

Investigation of dual referral in hospitals in chengdu city 成都市醫療衛生服務機構雙向轉診現狀調查

Medical informatics . messages for patient referral and discharge 醫療信息學.病人治療安排和出院信息

To provide guidance and referral service 提供輔導和轉介服務