
referential adj.參考(用)的,有參考文獻的,有附注[傍注]的;咨...


A foreign key constraint allows you to define referential integrity between a parent and child table 外鍵約束允許您定義父表和子表之間的引用完整性。

Entity dependency : referential integrity enforcement determines table and object dependency 實體依賴性:參照完整性的實施決定了表和對象的依賴性。

The reflecting time and the referential time - two temporal forms in language and their linguistic significance 語言中的兩種時間表現及其語言學意義

Referential integrity between tables is enforced by default when you create a relationship 創建關系時,默認情況下將強制表與表之間的引用完整性。

When you enforce referential integrity , sql server prevents users from doing the following 強制引用完整性時, sql server將防止用戶執行下列操作:

Referential integrity indicates that the relationships between tables have been correctly maintained 引用完整性指示表之間的關系得到正確維護。

The new - village construction in jiaxing and the referential meaning of the korean new village movement 嘉興新農村建設及韓國新村運動的借鑒意義

Set null specifies that cascading referential integrity actions set foreign keys to null Set null指定級聯引用完整性操作將外鍵設置為null 。

Referential significance of world view of postmodernist ecology for china weatern development 后現代生態倫理觀對我國西部開發的借鑒意義

Applied theory and referential standard for foreign direct investment industrial choice 我國對外直接投資產業選擇的適用理論和參照基準

It has something referential value for reasonable design of analogous power station 對此類水電站的合理設計具有一定的參考價值。

No referential integrity can exist between tables from different subscriptions 不同訂閱的各個表之間沒有任何引用完整性( r / i ) 。

You can set referential integrity when all of the following conditions are met 當下列所有條件都滿足時,可以設置引用完整性:

General specification for hydrometric instruments - part 2 : referential operating condition 水文儀器通則第2部分:參比工作條件

To make sure your data is not out of sync , you can enforce referential integrity between the 為確保數據不失去同步,可以在

When referential integrity is enforced , you must observe the following rules 當強制引用完整性時,您必須遵守下列規則:

Referential integrity rules 引用完整性規則

The processing of ambiguous phrases in referential discourse context in chinese 話語參照語境條件下漢語歧義短語的加工

Reform of the u . s . local governments and its referential significance for china 美國地方政府改革及其對中國的借鑒意義