
referent n.1.被談到的事物、概念等。2.【語言學】語詞所指的對...


When a child sees a miniature of a familiar object , visual information ? the object ' s shape , color , texture and so on ? activates the child ' s mental representation of its referent 幼兒看見一件熟悉物事的迷你版本,視覺資訊(那件物事的形狀、顏色、質地等特徵)便啟動了那件物事的心象。

When you copy an object reference using an ordinary strong reference , you constrain the lifetime of the referent to be at least as long as that of the copied reference 用一個普通的(強)引用拷貝一個對象引用時,限制referent的生命周期至少與被拷貝的引用的生命周期一樣長。

When a weak reference has been created with an associated reference queue and the referent becomes a candidate for gc , the reference object not the referent is 如果用關聯的引用隊列創建弱引用,在referent成為gc候選對象時,這個引用對象(不是referent )就在引用清除后

Is called , it returns a strong reference to the referent if it is still alive , so there is no need to worry about the mapping disappearing in the body of the 調用weakreference . get ( )時,它返回一個對referent的強引用(如果它仍然存活的話) ,因此不需要擔心映射在

And then define the referents of news report planning and show plan - practicing graph and according to different standards , classify news report planning into three types 進而界定新聞報道策劃的具體所指,給出策劃運行圖釋,并按不同標準分為報道策劃三大類。

First , the background and significance of the article is introduced . second , referent researches and theories on strategy management are discussed 本論文開篇介紹了論文寫作背景及意義以及企業戰略管理的國內外狀況,繼而研究了龍電集團的歷史發展及現狀。

Working electrodes , auxiliary electrodes , referent electrodes , reaction pools and so on are all the important components for making the electrochemical immunosensor 工作電極、輔助電極、參比電極、反應池(樣品池)等都是構建電化學免疫傳感器的重要部件。

Types are cleared before they are enqueued , so the thread handling the post - mortem cleanup never has access to the referent object , only the 類型在加入隊列之前被清除,所以處理事后檢查( post - mortem )清除的線程永遠不會具有referent對象的訪問權,而只具有

The cumulative exposure distribution was divided into quartiles and adjusted odds ratios were calculated using the lowest quartile as the referent group 累積暴露分布被區分為4等分,并且利用最低暴露的1 / 4族群作為參考來計算調整后的對比值。

Zero anaphora is a type of anaphora in which a form may be omitted because its referent is known or can be guessed 本文主要從零形回指的識別和分類、零形回指使用的必要性以及零形回指使用的可及性三個方面進行了分析與探討。

Objects themselves are subject to garbage collection and can be collected before the referent , in which case they are not enqueued 對象本身服從于垃圾收集,并且可在referent之前被收集,在這樣的情況下,它們沒有加入隊列。

Weak references have two constructors : one takes only the referent as an argument and the other also takes a reference queue 弱引用有兩個構造函數:一個只取referent作為參數,另一個還取引用隊列作為參數。

It would be nice if there was a way to be notified when the referent of a weak reference is garbage collected , and that is what 如果有一種方法可以在弱引用的referent被垃圾收集時發出通知就好了,這就是

If the weak reference has been cleared either because the referent has already been garbage collected or because someone called 如果弱引用被清除了(不管是referent已經被垃圾收集了,還是有人調用了

In other words , they interpreted the picture symbolically ? as standing for , not just being similar to , its referent 換言之,他們將圖像當做象徵圖像代表它的指涉,而不只是與它的指涉相似而已。

With weak references , you can maintain a reference to the referent without preventing it from being garbage collected 使用弱引用后,可以維持對referent的引用,而不會阻止它被垃圾收集。

Returns a non - null value before using its result , as it is expected that the referent will eventually be garbage collected 是否返回一個非null值,因為referent最終總是會被垃圾收集的。

In the course of tracing the heap , it does not mark or trace the referent object , but instead places the 時,不會標記或跟蹤該引用對象,而是在已知活躍的

Is set at construction time , and its value , if it has not yet been cleared , can be retrieved with 的referent是在構造時設置的,在沒有被清除之前,可以用