
referendum n.(pl. referendums, -da )1.(...


In 1967 a referendum was held among the residents regarding spanish sovereignty , resulting in a decisive 12 , 138 to 44 rejection 另一項主權共享的公投議題也以一萬七千九百票對一百八十七票遭居民否決。

“ the idea of a referendum , which goes beyond this amendment mechanism of the basic law , is neither necessary nor appropriate 公投的建議已超越了《基本法》所規定的修改機制,既無須要亦不恰當。

It also calls for the enactment of a new constitution , but gives no specific deadline for either that or the referendum 該決議還要求修憲,但沒有給出“正名” , “修憲”或者“公投”的具體截止時間。

The eu fell to an unprecedented low in 2005 after french and dutch referendums rejected the european draft constitution 2005年由于法國與荷蘭兩個重要國家相繼否決歐盟憲法,使得歐盟陷入空前低潮。

While i recognize our president s concern that any referendum that changes the status quo will increase the tensions with china 雖然我明?我們的總統擔憂任何改變現狀的公投?都會增加與中國的張力。

This is the 10th time in the france ' s 47 - year - old fifth republic that citizens have been called by the president to vote in a referendum 這是法國第五共和國建立47年來第十次舉行的公民全民公決。

If chen goes ahead with the referendum on applying to the united nations , a showdown in the taiwan strait cannot be avoided 如果陳‘一意孤行’舉辦“入聯公投“ ,那么臺海攤牌將不可避免。

Referendum supporters argue that a child ' s right to have a father should supersede a woman ' s right to have a child 支持進行選民公決的人聲稱孩子要父親的權利應該高于婦女生孩子的權利。

Most southerners look eagerly towards a referendum on independence in 2011 , as agreed in the peace accord 多數南方人都企盼著2011年南蘇丹獨立的全民公投,這也是和平協議上寫明的。

Many press articles have nevertheless denounced the use of a referendum to decide the fate of individuals ' private property 許多媒體撰文譴責用公投這種方式處理私有財產。

But because it was turned down in the french and dutch referendums , the treaty has not been ratified 但是,由于憲法草案在法國和荷蘭的全民公決連遭否決,草案并未被批準。

This is the constitutional procedure and we do not need to add to this procedure by way of a referendum 在過去處理一、二、三號報告時,我們有這樣做,今后亦會這樣做。

Foreign ministry spokesman liu jianchao s comment on the result of montenegro s referendum on independence 外交部發言人劉建超就尼日利亞發生石油管道爆炸事件答記者問

“ long hair “ leung kwok - hung called for a referendum for the public to decide what to do with the project 長毛梁國雄提議舉行公投,讓公眾決定如何處置這個項目。

After all , if the specific nomenclature does not matter , why include it in the referendum in the first place 畢竟,如果具體名稱不要緊,為什麼它列入公投擺在首位?

There is also less than two weeks to go before a crucial referendum on the new iraqi constitution 目前離伊拉克人就新憲法草案舉行關鍵的全民公投也已不到兩個星期。

Zhao : switzerland was a neutral nation until september 2002 when a referendum decided to join un 趙:瑞士一直是中立國,但于2002年9月通過全民公決加入了聯合國。

It was not so much mr ch vez who was defeated in the referendum , as his bankrupt philosophy 與其說查維斯先生是在公投中失敗,不如說是因為他的已經破產的思想。

After all , if the specific nomenclature does not matter , why include it in the referendum in the first place 如果這個稱號不是關鍵要點,為何要列入公投?