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reference room 圖書參考室。


Should the alarm system widely apply to the bank , the factory , the community , business unit , the financial system , business place , center the small supermarket , the hospital school , the commercial shop , the hotel teahouse , importantly stores in a storehouse the storehouse , the oil gas gas station , the leader office , financial and the file reference room , the financial business office , the mansion villa community , the inhabitant family security , guards against snatches auto - alarm which , the fire protection , urgently seeks help and so on 該報警系統廣泛應用于銀行工廠社區企事業單位金融系統營業場所中小超市醫院學校商業店鋪酒店茶樓重要倉儲庫房油氣加油站領導辦公室財務及檔案資料室金融營業所豪宅別墅社區居民家庭的防盜防搶防火緊急求助的自動報警等!

This paper analyzes on the necessity and significance of building the college and department reference room , introduces the challenges faced by the construction of college and department reference room under the network environment , expounds the principles of and implementing methods for the construction of college and department reference room under the multi - campus condition , and discusses on the cooperative development of manpower resource in the college and department reference room 分析了建立院系資料室的必要性和意義,介紹了網絡環境下院系資料室建設面臨的挑戰,闡述了多校區態勢下院系資料室建設的原則和實施辦法,論述了院系資料室人力資源的協調發展。

This essay first briefly states the internet - based position and function of reference rooms , then analyzes current situation of information service of reference rooms of present colleges and universities , and finally briefly presents the internet - based particulars of information service of reference rooms and puts forward an suggestions 摘要本文先簡述網絡環境下資料室的作用與地位,接著分析了當今普通高校資料室信息服務與建設的現狀,后簡述網絡環境下普通高校資料室信息服務的具體內容,最后就普通高校資料室信息服務與建設提出了一些參考建議。

In order for higher school reference room to serve curriculum construction , it is impovtant to build up a system of docment protection , to set up virtual reference , to conduct a high level of service system and to improve the working staff ' s ability to operate computer 摘要新形勢下高校資料室為學科建設服務要建立支撐學科建設需求的文獻保障體系,建立虛擬資料室,開展定題服務和跟蹤服務等深層次的信息服務,提高資料員計算機應用能力和情報檢索能力。

Xiangjiang hotel is a first - class business hotel , with great apartments , automatically ktv 、 multi - function hall 、 reference room etc 、 which should be your first choice for traveling 、 business reference 、 and entertainment 香江大酒店是一家集商務、康樂、客房于一體的高級商務酒店,擁有豪華客房、智能化ktv包廂、多功能廳、會議室、美容廳等場所,是接待各類旅游團體、商務會議、休閑娛樂首選之地。

The area of central hotel , which is sub - five star hotel , is 13400 square meters , containing chinese restaurant , western restaurant , bar , reference room , loge , standard , standard single room 中心酒店為準五星級溫泉度假酒店,建筑面積13400平方米。共擁有高級客房共212間,內設中餐廳西餐廳酒吧會議室包廂標準間標準單間豪華套間日式單間。

Besides , we publish gtsm monthly review and display all kinds of information data in our reference room . all relevant information are also available in all otc securities houses 此外,本中心亦有定期出版證券柜臺月刊及提供各種資料之閱覽室供投資人使用,對投資人買賣債券極有助益。

The academic reference room is a componet part of the academic library information service and an auxiliary body of every department for teaching and scientific researth 摘要高校資料室是全校圖書情報系統的組成部分,是各系(院、所)教學科研輔助機構。

Library areas : 335 m * m for reading room , 335 m * m for book storage , 190 m * m for audiovisual room and 190 m * m for reference room 五、館舍面積:閱覽室三百三十五平方公尺;書庫三百三十五平方公尺;視聽室一百九十平方公尺;參考室一百九十平方公尺。

Continue to set up reading and loans services for the periodicals room , childrens room , the stacks , reference room and audio - visual room 賡續辦理期刊室兒童室書庫參考室視聽室之閱覽流通服務。

The co - constructing and sharing of the literature resource of university library and university departments reference rooms 網絡環境下高校圖書館與院系資料室文獻資源的共建共享

Thoughts on the co - construction and sharing of sub - libraries and reference rooms after university merging 高校合并后二級學院圖書館分館或資料室共建共享的思考

The profession reference room walks with library the integral whole turns the road beginning explores 二級學院專業資料室如何與院級圖書館走一體化道路

Discussion on the construction of college and department reference room under the multi - campus management mode 淺論多校區管理模式下院系資料室的建設

The university legal library should merge the reference room of the law department in the new century 新世紀高校法律圖書館應與法律系資料室兼并

Probe into the literature information sharing between university library and department reference room 高校圖書館與院系資料室文獻資源共享初探

On coordination and development trend of the library and reference room in colleges and universities 試論高校圖書館與資料室的協調發展

Re - orientation of reference room under department and college in colleges and universities 網絡環境下高等學校院系資料室的重新定位

The coordination and complementary of development between university library and reference room 高校圖書館與資料室發展的協調互補