
reference n.1.(對委員、審查人等的)委托;委托項目[范圍]。2...

reference bible

The reference was presumably to the british role in northern ireland . 這也許是指英國在北愛爾蘭的作用。

I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotations . 我終于在引語詞典中查到了那段引文。

There was no reference to anything named “the r document“ . 沒有發現對所謂的代號R密件有參考價值的東西。

It is an impressive reference and not a wholly false one . 這個單位令人肅然起敬,何況也不是完全瞎說。

The library contains a large number of foreign language reference books . 圖書館有大量的外文參考書。

They represent a common reference source for wind data . 它們是有關風數據的有代表性的常見參考資料。

The method of observation resembles the stopwatch reference to a clock . 觀測方法跟停表時鐘法相似。

The first step is to determine the unit-time reference dose rate . 第一步要確定單位時間參考劑量率。

In studying current affairs you might read this article for reference . 學習時事可以參看這篇文章。

Reference was made to me . 所指的是我。

The soil will spontaneously absorb water from the reference state . 土壤會由參考狀態自動吸附水。

This is hard to see without reference to a globe . 如果不參照著一個地球儀來看,這是很難理解的。

They serve as focused references on those subjects . 它們對有關專題提供一些有針對性的參考意見。

Who are your references ? 誰是你的證明人?

There is a proverb with reference to the killing of cats . 有一句關于葬送了貓的性命的諺語。

The reference to her grammar had not touched her at all . 指責她的文法一直兒也沒有觸怒她。

The writer will attempt to provide a survey with references . 作者試圖提供參考文獻的梗概。

The choice of the reference temperature is inconsequential . 基準溫度的選擇是無關緊要的。

No reference is made to molecules or to molecular energy . 沒有涉及各個分子或分子的能量。