
referee n.公斷人,仲裁人;【法律】(受法庭委托的)審查人,鑒定...


The head teacher often acts as ( a ) referee for his pupils 這位校長常為求職學生做證明人

Dad gum it ! referee ten - yard penalty . still fourth down -見鬼! -十碼點球還是四次倒地

It was not published in a refereed journal 他的著作不是發表在具有叁考價值的學術期刊上。

Well , that ' s obvious . it ' s the racetrack referee 很明顯,那是賽馬裁判

Polyesters are sometimes refereed to as oil - free alkyds 通常情況下,聚酯也叫無油醇酸。

He was once the abusive scourge of referees 他曾經因此飽受抨擊和懲罰。

On the establishment and management of athletics referees 試論田徑裁判隊伍的建設與管理

I refuse to discuss the actions of the referee 我拒絕討論裁判的判罰。 ”

Fights being stopped by referees ? he ' s pathetic 拳手居然被裁判終止比賽真是可憐的家伙

One of the referees suggests postponing the competition 一位裁判員建議比賽推遲進行。

The referee awarded a penalty to the home team 裁判判給主隊罰對方任意球

- there ' s no ref here . - l don ' t need no referee -這兒沒裁判-我不需要裁判

It wasn ' t published in a refereed journal 這本著作沒有在專業期刊中發表。

There ' s no ref here . - l don ' t need no referee 這兒沒有裁判.我用不著裁判

You are required to obtain reports from two referees 您須遞交兩份推薦信。

The referee won ' t fine you for stealing in this case 這種情況下,裁判員不會判你犯規

It is not my role to comment on refereeing decisions 評論裁判的判罰并不是我的任務。

Would you want to be a football referee , grant 你想要做足球裁判嗎,格蘭特

On the basketball referee ' s control of a match 論臨場籃球裁判員對比賽的控制