
referable adj.可交付的;可歸因于…的;可歸入…的,可借助的,可...


The second chapter is about referring the experience of administrative reformation abroad . this chapter analyzes the practice of administrative reformation in america , japan , korea and the third world countries , and concludes much experience in seven aspects which are referable for intensifying the reformation of administrative license system in china : intensifying the regulation and control on the administrative license , promoting the reformation steadily , continuously and gradually , advancing the reformation in accordance 本章分析了美國、日本、韓國以及第三世界國家的行政許可制度改革的實踐,總結出對于中國行政許可制度改革可以借鑒的七個方面的經驗,即強化對行政許可的規范和控制、穩健、持續、漸進地推進改革、依法推進行政許可制度改革、改革以市場為基本導向、重視對成本和效益的經濟分析、實行被規制者參與的官民互動、加強對改革的司法審查等。

Indeed , the corporate growth is not fixed pattern , and also does not have the unified organization system and the growth path , corporate system structure and the growth way also have unceasingly adjust with vary of economic environment , this is a dynamic deductive process . however , we still excavate some the referable experience and summarize following rules through to analyze the enterprise growth process 研究發現:我國上市公司的財務指標中包含著可以預測其未來發展狀況的信息含量,因此上市公司的成長性具有可預測性,但是由于我國市場仍然不完善,又存在太多的不確定的因素,我們的預測模型還不能達到完美的要求,對于成長性的預測還需要進一步完善。

The actual fitting and predicted results indicate that the modeling method put forward in this article of observed data sequences has integrated the advantages of different observed data modeling methods , which provided a referable approach to solve the problem that it is difficult to build the killing oxygen by adding aluminum model in steel making 實際生產工藝參數的擬合和預測效果表明,本文提出的一種觀測數據序列混合模型建立的方法,綜合了多種觀測數據建模方法的優勢,為解決目前煉鋼行業中定氧加鋁模型難以建立的問題,提供了一條可供參考的有效途徑。

This article analyzes the basic framework , basic workflow of epc ~ ( tm ) and the features of logistics application and rfid system applications , sets down establishment methods and principle of epc architecture , constructs epc ~ ( tm ) referable model , finished the main content of epc architecture , draws out lists of epc architecture . it provides reference and model for epc application and advancement 本課題分析研究了epc物聯網的結構和基本工作流程,對比分析了物流應用特點和rfid系統應用特點,研究制定了epc標準體系框架的制定策略和原則,構建了epc與物聯網標準體系框架的參考模型,編寫了epc與物聯網標準體系框架的主要內容,擬訂了epc與物聯網標準體系框架明細表。

Followingly , this chapter undertakes a discussion respectively of the interrelationship between the double jeopardy rule and the principle of non bis in idem , and the prohibited target of the double jeopardy rule , pointing out that , as far as criminal procedure is concerned , the double jeopardy rule is inter - referable with the principle of non bis in idem , and the core target of the rule is the state prosecution 本章還對禁止雙重危險規則與一事不再理原則的關系以及禁止雙重危險規則的鋒芒指向進行了辨析和討論,指出,在刑事訴訟中,禁止雙重危險規則與一事不再理原則是兩個可以相互通用的概念,禁止雙重危險規則的鋒芒指向主要是國家追訴機關。

The application and characteristics of the automatic meters system of kela 2 gas field were reviewed in this paper , referable experience and data were gained for large - scale gas field ( condensate field ) of tarim oil field , and some valuable advices were given for the routine maintenance and manage of the automatic system 摘要對克拉2氣田自動化系統的使用現狀及特點進行了分析,為塔里木油田大型天然氣田(凝析氣田)和股份公司相似氣田的開發提供了可借鑒的經驗和依據,同時為自動化系統的日常維護和管理提出了相應的意見和建議。

Focusing on the judgment of proper disciplinary treatment of the university students , this paper proposes suitability of the judgment rules in multidimensional view of law , education and sociology , so as to provide referable criteria for the solution and proper execution of disciplinary treatment 摘要圍繞大學生違紀處分適度性判斷,從法學、教育學和社會學的多維視角進行了考察和界定,提出了適度性的判斷原則,為處分適度性的對策研究和處分權的適度行使提供了借鑒和參考依據。

The polymer - geogrid reinforced earth seismic characteristic from the analyse of the fea and the model experiment is a good base of deeply researching polymer - geogrid reinforced earth walls under earthquake and is referable to the preparation for design specification of geogrid reinforced earth walls subjected to seismic loadings 本文通過有限元方法和模型試驗分析得出的土工格柵加筋土動力行為特性,為將來進一步研究塑料土工格柵加筋土擋墻的動力行為特性打下基礎,并將對制定土工格柵加筋土擋墻結構設計規范地震荷載部分有一定的參考價值。

These theoretical conclusions summarized by the author can provide some referable guides to the reasonable applications of the vertical tube , also thoughtfulness and method could be made use of during studies on the process of multi - component vapor partial film condensation 本文對雙組分部分膜狀冷凝傳熱傳質過程的結論,可以為垂直管的合理使用提供一定的參考依據,也可以為多組分部分膜狀冷凝過程的研究提供可借鑒的思路和方法。

This paper does an in - depth and systematic research by way of theory and practice and from the perspective of increasing the core competence of enterprise . a referable management model is established for coordinating the management and effective operation 本文運用理論研究和實踐分析相結合的方法,從提升企業核心競爭力的視角出發,深入系統的研究,為企業并購后保證企業經營機制的協調、有效運行提供了可供參考的管理模式。

The realization of this scheme has solved optimization problem of smt produce , and greatly improved the produce efficiency . at the same time , it may provide a referable way of resolving optimization problem of smt by other algorithm 本解決方案的具體實現解決了長期困擾smt系統的生產線優化問題,可以使得smt系統的生產效率大幅度地提高,同時也為用其它算法解決smt系統優化問題提供了一種可參考的思路。

How much of the incompleteness of his situation was referable to her father , through the painful anxiety to avoid reviving old associations of france in his mind , he did not discuss with himself 至于對自己處境的不利因索究竟應當讓她的父親知道多少,他也沒有多加考慮,因為他吃力地避免著在老人心里喚起法國的舊事。

No man can decide now to which of these motives such extraordinary scenes were referable ; it is probable , to a blending of all the three , with the second predominating 這種極不尋常的場面究竟產生于上述哪一種動機沒有人說得清,可能是三種動機兼而有之,而以第二種為主吧!

To mainly counter the principles “ referable significance for perfecting the personal income tax law , this article makes a through study 本文主要針對稅法基本原則對完善個人所得稅法的借鑒意義和指導作用方面做深入研究。

The “ intelligence “ of intelligent building is referable to the ability of the information being administrated and synthetically used 智能建筑的“智能化”是指在建筑物內進行信息管理和信息綜合利用的能力。

Even if the chance is seen as not an important one , it may come to be viewed as referable to none 即使是被認為是不很重要的機會,但到后來可能會被視為是至關重要的。

The above are referable specifications . products can be specifically made according to the customers requirements 表面不潔,可以無塵布蘸無水酒精擦拭。

Be referable to 是由于而引起的

Something of the awfulness , even of death itself , is referable to this 從此我們可以領悟到一些令人肅然竦然的東西,甚至死亡本身。