
refer vt.(-rr-)1.把…提交,交付,委托,付托(事件、...


He referred to the manuscript circulation of the sonnets . 他談到了十四行詩手稿的流行情況。

The process itself is referred to as adventive embryogenesis . 其過程本身稱為不定胚胎發生。

We will consequently refer to it as the beam “spot size“ . 我們將它稱為光束的“光斑尺寸”。

The reader is referred to the excellent introductory text . 讀者可以參閱卓越的導論性的書。

This pressure is sometimes referred to as stagnation pressure . 這個壓力有時也叫滯止壓力。

The figure refers to chapters . 數字表示頁碼。

Jim decided to refer to the problem that nobody liked . 吉姆決定探討別人都不愿探討的問題。

The figure refers to chapters . 數字表示章數。

There 's the original to refer to . 有原文可按。

He referred me to the doctor . 他叫我去詢問醫生。

This is referred to as a thixotropic property of the resin . 這種特性叫做樹脂的觸變性。

We may refer to such a cell as a perfect mixer . 我們可以把這樣的單元稱為理想混合器。

This statement does not specifically refer to the law . 這段話并沒有明確地提到法律。

The reader is referred to page 3 . 請讀者參看第3頁。

She often refers questions to me . 她常拿問題來問我。

Read the passage to which i referred in my talk . 讀一讀我在講話中提到的那段文章。

The asterisk refers to a footnote . 星號表示參看附注。

We often use the container to refer to its contents . 我們時常用容器指其所盛之物。

This type of cable is generally referred to as a streamer . 這種電纜一般稱為拖纜。