
refectory n.(神學院、修道院等的)飯廳,食堂。 a refect...


The scenes depicted on the emunctory field , showing our ancient duns and raths and cromlechs and grianauns and seats of learning and maledictive stones , are as wonderfully beautiful and the pigments as delicate as when the sligo illuminators gave free rein to their artistic fantasy long long ago in the time of the barmecides . glendalough , the lovely lakes of killarney , the ruins of clonmacnois , cong abbey , glen inagh and the twelve pins , ireland s eye , the green hills of tallaght , croagh patrick , the brewery of messrs arthur guinness , son and company limited , lough neagh s banks , the vale of ovoca , isolde s tower , the mapas obelisk , sir patrick dun s hospital , cape clear , the glen of aherlow , lynch s castle , the scotch house , rathdown union workhouse at loughlinstown , tullamore jail , castleconnel rapids , kilballymacshonakill , the cross at monasterboice , jury s hotel , s . patrick s purgatory , the salmon leap , maynooth college refectory , curley s hole , the three birthplaces of the first duke of wellington , the rock of cashel , the bog of allen , the henry street warehouse , fingal s cave - all these moving scenes are still there for us today rendered more beautiful still by the waters of sorrow which have passed over them and by the rich incrustations of time 二湖谷,基拉尼那些可愛的湖泊,克朗麥克諾伊斯487的廢墟,康大寺院,衣納格峽谷和十二山丘,愛爾蘭之眼488 ,塔拉特的綠色丘陵,克羅阿帕特里克山489 ,阿瑟吉尼斯父子股份有限公司的釀酒廠,拉夫尼格湖畔,奧沃卡峽谷490 ,伊索德塔,瑪帕斯方尖塔491 ,圣帕特里克鄧恩爵士醫院492 ,克利爾岬角,阿赫爾羅峽谷493 ,林奇城堡,蘇格蘭屋,拉夫林斯頓的拉思唐聯合貧民習藝所494 ,圖拉莫爾監獄,卡斯爾克尼爾瀑布, 495市鎮樹林約翰之子教堂496 ,莫納斯特爾勃衣斯的十字架,朱里飯店,圣帕特里克的煉獄, 497鮭魚飛躍,梅努斯學院飯廳,柯利洞穴, 498第一任威靈頓公爵的三個誕生地,卡舍爾巖石, 499艾倫沼澤,亨利街批發莊,芬戈爾洞500所有這一切動人的501情景今天依然為我們而存在。

In term of the characteristic of the item regarded , it is concluded that the exhaust gas produced by refectory and automobile is the source of air pollution , and the noise pollution is emanating from automobile and habitation , and the sewerage is derived from the domestic sewage , and the main garbage comes from living garbage 根據該項目的特點,此次評價確定食堂燃油產生的廢氣和汽車尾氣是主要的大氣污染源,車輛和生活噪聲是主要的噪聲源,生活污水是主要的排污水,生活垃圾是主要的固體廢棄物。

The group established large - scale vegetables base and breeding farm , can plan production according to the customer demand , therefore we can cease vegetables that fed with the harmful law chemical additive to enter the refectory , provide safe meant and vegetables stably 集團投資興建了大型的蔬菜生產基地,及養殖基地,可根據客戶的需求有計劃的安排生產,杜絕有農藥的蔬菜和用有害飼料添加劑喂養的肉類進入食堂,保障肉菜安全穩定的供應。

While the last supper is a typical subject chosen for the decoration of many refectories because of the eucharistic theme of sacrifice , leonardo chose to capture the moment in which jesus announces to the apostles that he knows one of them will betray him 因為圣體犧牲的主題,最后的晚餐成為許多食堂裝飾中的典型題材,達文西選擇捕捉當耶穌向門徒們宣布他知道他們之中有人會背叛他時的瞬間。

In 1495 , leonardo da vinci began painting the last supper on the wall of the refectory ( dining hall ) of santa maria delle grazie in milan , italy , and completed it in 1498 李奧納多達文西于西元1495年在義大利米蘭葛拉吉埃修道院的食堂墻上開始繪畫最后的晚餐,而完成于西元1498年。

The centre owns elemental establishments including a classroom of capacitance for 60 students , dormitories , refectory , etc . , extending long - termed training and practice to colleges ' students 中心擁有容納60人的教室、宿舍和食堂等基礎設施,能夠長期為大中專學生提供培訓和實習。

The refectory was a great , low - ceiled , gloomy room ; on two long tables smoked basins of something hot , which , however , to my dismay , sent forth an odour far from inviting 飯廳是個又低又暗的大房間,兩張長桌上放著兩大盆熱氣騰騰的東西。

Ere the half - hour ended , five o clock struck ; school was dismissed , and all were gone into the refectory to tea 半個小時不到,鐘就敲響了五點。散課了,大家都進飯廳去吃茶點,我這才大著膽走下凳子。

Thanks being returned for what we had not got , and a second hymn chanted , the refectory was evacuated for the schoolroom 蓋茨黑德和往昔的生活似乎已經流逝,與現時現地已有天壤之隔。

Implementation of quantitative classification management in school refectories for improving the overall food hygiene level 推行學校食堂量化分級管理提高食品衛生整體水平

An investigation on school refectory construction and students ' nutrition education in fangshan district in beijing 北京市房山區中小學校食堂建設與學生營養教育調查

No . 2 refectory in airforce engineering university 空軍工程大學中心校區第二食堂