
refection n.消遣,休養;(吃飲食)恢復精神,提神;小吃;茶點。


Through measuring the value of infrared radiation when the complex decoy is burning , it is concluded that the complex decoy ' s energy of infrared radiation is much more than the substrate ' s . through researching the performance of microwave radar ' s transmission and refection within the band of 3mm and 8mm , it is proved that the interference with radar is feasible 在復合誘餌劑的性能測試方面:對制備出的復合誘餌劑燃燒時的紅外輻射展開研究,發現了復合誘餌劑的紅外輻射能量比基片的紅外輻射能量有很大的增加;開展了對3mm 、 8mm波段毫米波雷達的透射與反射性能試驗,證明了該誘餌劑干擾雷達波是可行的。

Also there are some amusement establishments in the hotel , such as 1 conference room contains 30 persons , chess and poker room , tearoom and so on , and the restaurant supplies sichuan dish , guangzhou dish and location refection , also it offers 24 - hour hot water service 有1間30人的會議室,棋牌室,休閑茶吧等娛樂設施,餐廳有各種滇川粵等名菜和地方小吃,商務中心,服務設施完善,提供24小時熱水

C try the on - screen adjustment menu . d pay attention to the light refection on the screen . if the display featuring with the light resistance , the text will become clear and it will be no need for any protecting shield D注意顯示器螢幕上的反光,如果顯示器具有抗反光及抗眩光的功能,那么在使用的時候,使用者的眼睛就會覺得顯示器上的字非常的清晰,也就不需額外花費購買護目鏡來增加困擾。

In this dissertation the output windows ’ refection and absorption are analyzed in detail . 1 . with the development of gyrotron , the output power of the gyrotron is higher and higher , but the destruction of output window is more and more outstanding 由于窗片介質損耗因子的存在,當微波通過輸出窗時會在窗片中產生高頻介質損耗,微波的功率越高,產生的熱量就越多。

The hoarse messenger , uncomfortably seated on a form after taking that refection , had dropped into a doze , when a loud murmur and a rapid tide of people setting up the stairs that led to the court , carried him along with them 那沙喉嚨的信使吃完便餐便在長凳上很不舒服地坐下,打起盹來。這時一陣高聲的嗡嗡和一股疾走的人潮擠向法庭和樓梯,也把他席卷而去。

Thorough refection on this issue requires the educator to realize the essence of developing innovative thinking : what on earth is developing innovative thinking 對這一問題的深入思考要求教育者必須清楚認識培養創新思維的實質:培養創新思維培養的究竟是什么

The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a refection of her bright and ardent spirit 那沒有知覺的貴重金屬似乎也反射著她那歡快而熾熱的心。

Refection on ideological and political education for university students in the new period 關于新時期大學生思想政治教育的幾點思考

Refection on the research about indigenisation of psychology in china 中國心理學本土化研究的反思