
reface vt.1.重修(房屋等的)門面。2.換(衣服的)面子。


The content of this thesis divides into five major parts : reface historical background of dual structure and its status quo in our country implication of dual structure historical background of producing of dual structure in our country status quo of dual structure in our country influence of dual structure on social development of our country ( 2 ) influence of dual structure on economic development of our country current situation of dual structure in yanbian areas and its influence on social and economic development status quo of dual structure in yanbian areas influence of dual structure on yanbian social and economic development train of thoughts to reform dual structure conclusion 本文的內容共分五大部分:一、緒論二、二元結構產生的歷史背景及我國二元結構的現狀(一)二元結構的含義(二)我國二元結構產生的歷史背景(三)我國二元結構的現狀(四)二元結構對我國社會發展的影響(五)二元結構對我國經濟發展的影響三、延邊地區二元結構狀況與對社會、經濟發展的影響(一)延邊地區二元結構狀況(二)二元結構對延邊社會、經濟發展的影響四、改革二元結構的思路五、結論

There are four parts , in the article adding the p reface and conclusion totaled about 32 , 000 words . part one , the general theory of grey area measures . beginning with the definition of grey area measures , the part traces back the history of the measures and analyzes the trade protection base as well as the legal and economic reasons of their emergence and existence 全文除引言外,約3萬兩千字,共分為四個部分:第一部分, “灰色區域”措施的一般理論,本部分從“灰色區域”措施的概念界定出發,回顧了“灰色區域”措施的歷史發展,對其產生和存在的政治經濟和理論基礎以及法律、經濟原因進行了分析。

In reface , the author analyzes the meanings of the theme of rpc ' s representativeness , and introduce the current research situation and the innovation of the paper , which paves the way for the theme ' s research . the main body includes four parts 前言:分析了人大代表代表性這一選題的意義,介紹了國內研究現狀、本文的研究方法和創新之處,為論題的研究作了基礎性準備。

Slapped paint on the walls . refaced the kitchen cabinets 墻上隨便涂了涂油漆.換了廚房的碗櫥的貼面