
reel n.1.【紡織;印染】卷線車,紡車;繞線筒。2.〔英國〕...


The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear 敵軍從背受到奇襲而亂了陣腳。

Manufacturer specializing in rod , lure , and reels -生產經營錦錦鳳系列釣餌。

Application of reel type sprinklers to field crops 卷盤式噴灌機在大田作物中的應用

She took up some scissors and a reel of white string 她拿起幾把剪刀和一軸白線。

Time travel : a silk - reeling plant on the suwa lakefront 時代旅行諏訪湖畔繅絲工廠

Y ou don ' t reel it in , and you don ' t let it get away 不要收線,也不要把它放走

He can reel off great chunks of these essays 這些散文他能夠大段大段地背出來。

You remember that goddamn shot from reel 1 0 你記得第10卷上那個該死的鏡頭嗎?

The old sailor reeled off one story after another 老海員講了一個又一個的故事。

Our regiment reeled when the cavalry struck it 當騎兵部隊進攻時,我們團潰退了。

Women scream after their children for loitering in the gutter, or, worse still, against the husband who comes reeling from the gin shop . 娘兒們看到孩子在污水溝里打滾,更壞的是,看到她們的男人喝得醉醺醺的,在街上搖搖擺擺晃晃走來,于是使尖聲叫罵。

He reeled along the street with glazed eyes, having just sense enough to know where he was bound, and to pursue his accustomed beat homewards . 他趔趔趄趄在街上行走,兩眼發呆,什么知覺也沒有,只知道朝著固定的方向,沿著走慣的路線,慢慢回家。

Simon wheeler backed me into a corner and blockaded me there with his chair, and then sat down and reeled off the monotonous narrative . 西蒙惠勒讓我退到一個角落里,用他的椅子把我擋在那兒,這才讓我坐下,滔滔不絕地絮叨著那單調的情節。

With all the court reeling before her, she heard a voice speak, and answered the simple inquiry mechanically, as if in a dream . 她只覺得整個法庭在她面前旋轉,她聽到一個人的聲音在講話,于是象在夢魂里一般不自覺地回答了那簡單的問話。

She reeled just then, giddy with fatigue, and down came the lash and flicked a flake of skin from her naked shoulder . 這個時候,她已經累得頭昏眼暈,身子搖晃起來,于是鞭子就落在她那光著肩膀上,抽下來薄薄的一塊油皮。

He had talked rapidly, almost like a drunken man, as his reeling brain battled with the rising shock of the malarial stroke . 他連珠炮似地說著,幾乎象喝醉了酒一樣,這時,他朦朦朧朧的大腦正在和步步逼近的瘧疾搏斗呢。

Reel tunes made my foot go faster, tunes of my own south country made me fain to be home from my adventures . “黑爾舞”的調子使我的腳步走得更快了,我的南方家鄉的調子使我只想回到家鄉去,不愿再進行這種歷險。

Kunta's mind reeled at what he heard, and he vowed silently that someday he too would venture to such exciting places . 昆塔聽到這些話,思潮不斷起伏,他暗暗發誓總有一天也要到那些激動人心的地方去闖一闖。

The lady in white taught aqiao how to reel the shining silk from these cocoons and how to dye the silk different colors . 白衣娘子教阿巧怎樣從繭中抽出閃閃發光的絲來,以及怎樣給絲染上各種顏色。