
reeking adj.冒煙的,煙霧騰騰的,熱氣騰騰的;發臭的;冒血腥氣...


Scynth desalths / a says , “ the eastern winds reek with the smell of death and decay . more so than usual , at least . “東風與死亡將和衰腐一起發出惡臭的味道。至少,比以往更多。

“ avoid the reeking herd “避開發臭的獸群

“ hammerhand will find the weak . hurl them down to rot and reek “錘子手將找到弱者,將其擊倒,直至腐爛發臭”

“ hammerhand will find the weak . hurl them down to rot and reek “用鐵錘擊倒弱者使他們腐爛發臭

Enter the forgotten tower : “ this place . . . reeks with death ! 這地方。 。散發著死亡的惡臭!

I - no , “ you reek of blood , yourself . 說到血腥味,你身上也有不是嗎。