
reek n.1.〔主 Scot.〕煙。2.熱氣,水蒸氣。3.惡臭...


Their full buck eyes regarded him as he went by , amid the sweet oaten reek of horsepiss . their eldorado 當他從帶股子燕麥清香的馬尿氣味中走過時,那些馬用公羊般的圓鼓鼓的眼睛望著他。

Scynth desalths / a says , “ the eastern winds reek with the smell of death and decay . more so than usual , at least . “東風與死亡將和衰腐一起發出惡臭的味道。至少,比以往更多。

When we went to clean up and rearrange the area , the placed reeked of cigarettes and alcohol . we were dismayed 我們去清潔布置時,聞到菸酒味等,大都皺眉:我的天!

You reek of booze 你滿嘴的酒氣

It reeked of murder 那很象是謀殺。

Afar , in a reek of lust and squalor , hands are laid on whiteness 近處,在淫蕩和污濁的臭氣中,一雙手放在白凈的肉身上。

“ avoid the reeking herd “避開發臭的獸群

You still reek of poverty 你怎么還是一身窮酸樣

“ hammerhand will find the weak . hurl them down to rot and reek “錘子手將找到弱者,將其擊倒,直至腐爛發臭”

That reek is from the fox 那股惡臭是狐貍發出的。

His breath reeked of tobacco 他口中帶有煙草的臭味

. . . but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek . . . . .不過是一伙強盜在茅草頂豬圈的臭氣中喝酒. .

A : urgh , you reek of garlic 呃,你身上的蒜味太濃了!

It all reeks of a burgundian trap 這很像勃根地人的陷阱

The whole air was reeking with smoke 空氣中充滿著硝煙。

Reek his breath reeked of tobacco 他口中帶有煙草的臭味。

But a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek .不過是一伙強盜在茅草頂豬圈的臭氣中喝酒

“ hammerhand will find the weak . hurl them down to rot and reek “用鐵錘擊倒弱者使他們腐爛發臭

That man ' s clothes reek of tobacco 那個人的衣服沾染著煙草氣味。