
reefer n.1.縮帆者。2.〔英俚〕海軍候補士官生;〔美俚〕海軍...


The main purpose of this thesis is to conduct a research on frequency conversion characteristics in reefer units through analyzing energy - consume , control method , and the technology of frequency conversion in refrigeration & air - conditioning . that is the focus of the research in this text 本論文的主要目的是通過分析船舶冷藏集裝箱的能量消耗、控制方式和分析制冷裝置變頻調速控制技術的基礎上,研究冷藏集裝箱的制冷系統采用變頻控制技術以后的系統變頻特性,這也是本文研究的重點。

Growing demand of aluminum extrusion products in transportation and consumer household sectors has earned the group contracts from non - construction clients including shanghai cimc reefer containers and sumitomo corp . as part of the group s dedicated efforts to research into and develop high - margin , high - end products with complex applications to tap new sectors , it is installing new production lines for such new products as “ brite dip “ products and downstream finished goods such as aluminum swing doors and bathroom enclosures 鋁型材產品在交通運輸及家居消費品市場的需求日益增長,令集團成功取得如上海中集冷藏箱及日本住友集團等非建筑客戶的訂單。集團致力研究新技術,并銳意投入資源,開發功能較復雜邊際利潤較高的高檔產品,而且正為新的拋光產品系列鋁質轉動門及浴室建材等下游制成品加設新的生產線。

Scrc ) scrc has registered capital of usd 31 million and the total investment is up to usd 50 million . as one of the mainstay hold companies of china international marine containers ( group ) ltd . ( abbr . cimc ) which has been the largest manufacturer of the world scrc was incorporated in june 1995 and has the good reputations on producing reefer containers 上海中集冷藏箱有限公司(簡稱上海中集)成立于1995年6月,注冊資本3100萬美元,投資總額5000萬美元,為全球最大的集裝箱制造商?中國國際海運集裝箱(集團)公司(簡稱中集集團) ,旗下專業制造冷藏集裝箱的的支柱企業。

This thesis analyzes the control principles of energy regulating ways in reefer units , compares the merits and demerits of these control methods in the outside working conditions of the changing burthen , and then puts forward the wvf , a entirely new energy saving regulative and control method . in addition , the thesis educes the heat response factors of container ' s round wall constructions by analyzing the dynamic heat transfer and adopting the method of heat response factors , and illustrates the refrigerated container ' s characteristics through an experiment on an empty refrigerated container 本文通過分析目前冷藏集裝箱的能量調節方式,比較了這些控制方式在箱外負荷變化的情況下的能量調節優缺點,在此基礎上提出全新的變頻能量調節控制方式:通過對冷藏箱圍壁結構的動態傳熱性能的分析和熱反應系數法的應用,得出了各圍壁結構的熱反應系數;通過冷藏箱空箱降溫實驗分析了制冷系統在空箱打冷時系統的特性。

Up to now , large number of contemporarily - advanced vessels of different types have been successfully completed in china , among which were multi - purpose offshore support vessels , large reefer container vessels , shuttle tankers , roro vessels , oil product carriers and highly - speedy aluminum alloy hovercrafts etc . 迄今為止,我國已先后成功地建造了具有當代先進水平的多用途船、大型冷藏集裝箱船、大型穿梭油輪、汽車滾裝船、成品油輪和鋁合金高速水翼船等。

At present the company has successfully exploited hybrid wooden flooring , eucalyptus flooring , reefer container floor , new wood product for trailer & truck body , connecting bridge flooring , steel and wood complex plywood and cement floor , all the products having been extensively adopted by the customer 目前公司已經成功開發出寒帶材木地板、按樹木地板、冷藏箱用地板、車輛用木制品產品系列,登機橋地板及鋼木復合地板、水泥地板,現已廣泛被可戶采用。

Except for dangerous goods , reefers and special containers , the service can be used for delivering a wide range of cargo , including imported raw materials , machinery assembled in dongguan and general cargo for export . service areas cover dongguan customs control zone 除危險貨物、冷藏箱及特種集裝箱外,本班列可運送一般貨物如進口原材料、在東莞廠房組裝的機器以及一般出口貨物,服務范圍遍及東莞海關區。

Major contracts recently secured in china and hong kong included shanghai cimc reefers containers , dongguan government quarter , hangzhou theatre house , mongkok bird street redevelopment project , hong kong science park and kowloon station phase iv 集團近期在國內及香港取得的主要合約項目包括上海中集冷藏箱、東莞市政府宿舍、杭州大劇院、西九龍(雀仔街)重建計劃、香港科技園及九龍站第四期工程。

Major contracts recently secured in china and hong kong included shanghai cimc reefers containers , dongguan government quarter , hangzhou theatre house , mongkok bird street redevelopment project , hong kong science park and kowloon station phase iv 集團近期在國內及香港取得的主要合約項目包括上海中集冷藏箱東莞市政府宿舍杭州大劇院西九雀仔街重建計劃香港科技園及九站第四期工程。

Major projects recently secured by the group include shanghai cimc reefers containers , dongguan municipal government quarter , hangzhou theatre , mongkok bird street re - development project , hong kong science park and kowloon station phase iv 集團近期在國內及香港取得的主要合約項目包括上海中集冷藏箱東莞市政府宿舍杭州大劇院西九雀仔街重建計劃香港科技園及九站第四期工程。

Kodai provide reefer tramp service to cover for russia , south east asia , south pacific , indian ocean , atlantic ocean , brazil . also provide transit at open sea from fish boat 恒大提供的不定期散貨冷藏船與輸服務覆蓋以下區域:俄羅斯,東南亞,南太平洋,印度洋,大西洋,巴西。還提供公海漁船拔載轉運服務業務。

We also produce reefer containers , non - standard dry containers , medical hyperbolic oxygen chambers , fin type heat exchangers , pressure vessels , castings and metal construction , etc 同時,還生產冷藏集裝箱、非標干貨集裝箱、醫用高壓氧艙、板翅式換熱器、壓力容器、鑄鐵件、工業廠房、金屬結構件等產品。

Remark : this guarantee letter is only applicable to reefer cargo when actual temperature & setting temperature differs within 6c and meanwhile , with carrier approval for acceptance 備注:本保函僅限于冷凍箱實際溫度與設定溫度差額小于等于6攝氏度且及經船公司蓋章確認,否則視為無效

The thesis analyzes the main character of reefer units fan motors when they run with frequency conversion control and the variable discharge character of evaporator 本文分析了冷藏集裝箱制冷系統風機(冷凝器和蒸發器風機)變頻節能運行的基本特性,以及蒸發器的變流量特性。

“ we have been successful in clinching key contracts from several major reefer container manufacturers for the production of frozen goods containers , “ added mr kwong 鄺氏補充:集團在此方面的發展理想,已成功取得多家主要集裝箱公司之重大合約,為其生產冷凍集裝箱。

“ we have been successful in clinching key contracts from several major reefer container manufacturers for the production of frozen goods containers , “ added mr kwong 鄺氏補充:集團在此方面的發展理想,已成功取得多家主要集裝箱公司之重大合約,為其生產冷凍集裝箱。

To replace the reefer jacket and gaberdine raincoat which had been used for more than 30 years ; for staff in all weathers and when performing outdoor duties 取代沿用超過30年的雙排鈕厚呢短外套及工作服雨衣,供員工在任何天氣下擔任戶外工作時穿著

Warning : all the risk , response & cost caused by failure operation of soc reefer container will be on customer ' s account 警告:因客戶自備冷凍箱不正常工作而導致的貨損及一切責任,損失。后果將由客戶承擔。

In december 1998 , we launched our reefer - on rail service from xian to qingdao , the first of its kind in china 1998年12月,我們推出了從西安到青島的中國首列冷凍集裝箱專列火車服務。