
redeploy vt.,vi.轉移(軍隊、勞動力等);(使)重新布置。n...


Foreign ministry spokesman liu jianchao s comment on the syrian announcement to redeploy its troops in lebanon according to the taif agreement 外交部發言人劉建超就敘利亞宣布將根據《塔伊夫協議》重新部署在黎駐軍答記者問

Using the same programming model also allows service broker applications to be redeployed without changes to application code 使用同一種編程模型,還可以在無需更改應用程序代碼的情況下重新部署service broker應用程序。

Deployment - allowing the service to be redeployed moved around the network for performance , redundancy for availability , or other reasons 部署出于性能、可用性冗余或其他方面的原因,允許服務在網絡內重新部署(移動)

Business rules beans support allow business rules to be dynamically changed at runtime without modifying or redeploying a process 業務規則bean支持允許運行過程中業務規則在沒有修改和重新部署流程的情況下動態改變。

To change the web site , including the layout of pages , you must change the original files , recompile the site , and redeploy the layout 要更改網站(包括頁的布局) ,必須更改原始文件,重新編譯站點并重新部署布局。

To make any change effective , first undeploy the org apache geronimo systemjms configuration , and then redeploy it 要使任何更改有效,首先要取消對org / apache / geronimo / systemjms配置的部署,然后,重新部署該配置。

That leaves grandparents , other relatives or paid caregivers to take care of young children when parents are deployed or redeployed 這造成了在父母被調配或重新調配期間,孩子由祖父母其他親戚或保姆照顧的局面。

When your venicebridge . ear file has been updated with your connector jar , it should be redeployed to your application server 用自己的連接器jar更新了venicebridge . ear文件之后,應該將它重新部署到應用服務器中。

Once the flow application is fully developed , it is redeployed ; first to system test , then to production 一旦流應用程序完全開發出來,它就可以重新部署;第一次是部署到測試系統中,然后再部署到生產環境中。

As part of the process of redeploying packages , you should review the configuration properties that are included in the deployment utility 在重新部署包的過程中,您應該檢查部署實用工具的配置屬性。

44 pieces of serviceable new style furniture were successfully redeployed for further usage in 2001 . using refillable ball pens 在二零零一年,共有44件仍可使用的新款家具重新分配給其他辦事處使用。

The “ publish “ action from the servers view will also redeploy all the applications associated with the selected server Servers視圖的“ publish ”操作也會將與所選服務器相關的所有應用程序重新部署。

If a file has changed new update time on the file or the size has changed , the file will be redeployed 如果文件已經更改(文件的最新更新時間或者文件的大小已經更改) ,那么將會重新部署該文件。

After 11th , reports to the police occurs , can long - distance disappear the police and at the same time automatic redeploys troops for defense 11報警發生后,能遠程消警并同時自動重新布防。

This walkthrough assumes that you are redeploying your solution to the network share - deployserver - sharefolder 此演練假定您正在將解決方案重新部署到網絡共享 deployserver sharefolder 。

Demonstrates how to publish a word or excel solution and then redeploy the solution to a new network location 演示如何發布word或excel解決方案,然后將該解決方案重新部署到新的網絡位置。

Nwfb started to operate two routes in tseung kwan o in february 2000 by redeploying 22 buses from hong kong island 由2000年2月起,新巴由港島區調派22部巴士行走在將軍澳開辦的兩條路線。

If the mining model structure is out - of - date , the editor prompts you to redeploy and process the mining model 選項卡。如果挖掘模型結構過時,則編輯器將提示重新部署并處理挖掘模型。

Demonstrates how publish a word or excel solution and then redeploy the solution to a new network location 演示如何發布word或excel解決方案,然后將該解決方案重新部署到新的網絡位置。