
reddish adj.帶紅色的,淡紅的,微紅的。


Upon closer view , these five small areas of endometriosis have a reddish - brown to bluish appearance 圖示:更近的子宮內膜移位外觀,五個子宮內膜移位病灶呈紅棕色至淺藍色外觀。

Since you left we moved further east where the earth here has a reddish tinge and so does the food 你走后我們搬到了更東的地方,那里的土地有著淡淡的紅色氣息,食物也一樣。

The sand on red beach gets its reddish color from the red volcanic rocks that make up the cliffs around the beach 紅海灘沙子的紅色來自形成海灘周圍懸崖的紅色火山巖。

The port island conglomerate has a very distinctive reddish - brown colour . the rocks were formed from sediments 赤洲礫巖的顏色是特別的棕紅色,由沉積物形成。

The total eclipse phase , in which the moon has an orange or reddish glow , lasts about 1 ? hours 在這全過程中,月亮會持續發出桔黃微紅的光輝長達一個半小時。

The total eclipse phase , in which the moon has an orange or reddish glow , lasts about 1 ? hours 月全食時月亮發出桔色或微紅的光,持續時間為一個半小時左右。

Any of a breed of beef cattle developed in england and having a reddish coat with white markings 赫勒福德牛在英格蘭養的一種肉用牛,通體淡紅,有白色斑紋

On three sides , reddish - orange sand mountains rise as high as 300 meters 這塊刺槐林立、地表慘白、龜裂的洼地(或稱盆地) ,人們喚它死谷,真是恰如其分。

His face colored to a reddish hue . “ i didn ' t ask you what i did . what else did you do wrong ? 他的臉變紅了。 “我不是問你我做了什么,你還做錯了什么? ”

The total eclipse phase , in which the moon has an orange or reddish glow , lasts about 1 ? hours 從月蝕發生到月球被覆蓋上橘紅色陰影,大概要1個半小時。

Reddish glowing dust clouds are associated with young , hot stars in stellar nurseries 發出紅色輝光的塵埃云則與恒星誕生區內的年輕熾熱恒星緊密相聯。

Therefore , the wall appears to be bluish in winter time , and more reddish in a hot sunny day 因此墻壁在冬天的時候會較紫藍,夏天時則會呈現橙紅。

Description : reddish violet powder insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids 形狀顏色特性:淡紫色粉末,易受潮,不溶于水,易溶于無機酸。

Any of a breed of characteristically large , reddish - brown or chestnut - colored draft horses 役馬,拖車馬一種以紅棕色或栗色為特征的大型載重馬

However , the citrine fulfils everyone s colour wishes , from lemon yellow to reddish brown 黃水晶是包括黃色金色至棕橙色調透明的水晶。

Its colour changes between reddish gold and green when viewed at different angles 從不同角度觀察,會看見其顏色由金變綠,或綠變金。

Reddish brown soil 紅棕鈣土

Slightly reddish cast 輕泛紅現象

A moderate , light , or brilliant violet to moderate or deep reddish purple 淡紫紅色輕淡、適度或明亮的紫羅蘭色,適度或深紅紫色