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red eye 1.紅眼魚。2.〔美俚〕蕃茄汁;酒;下等濃威士忌酒。

red fescue

Balrog looks like a cross between a lion and a merman with red eyes and dreadlocks . he behaves exactly like sylvester , but requires more hits to kill 炎魔巴洛克像獅子與人魚的合體,它有紅色的眼睛和長長的頭發。它的行為方式與西爾維斯特一樣,只不過更具有攻擊性。

Harada disease should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis in patients with red eyes and inner ear symptoms 臨床上,當耳鼻喉科醫師面對同時伴有紅眼睛及內耳癥狀的病人前來求診時,需考慮原田氏病的可能性,進而照會眼科醫師以確立診斷。

“ patients with leptospirosis commonly present with a flu - like illness with high fever , headache , muscle pains , red eye , sore throat and rash 發言人說:感染端螺旋體病的病人通常會出現類似感冒的病徵,包括發高燒頭痛肌肉痛眼紅喉嚨痛及紅疹等徵狀。

In the early days , on the western frontier , red eye was the common alcoholic drink found in most saloons . over - consumption made the eyes red 在美國西部拓荒時代的早期, redeye是在大部份的酒廊就有的非常普遍的酒。喝了過多就使眼睛充血了。

If we are talking about red eyes , there are many possible causes and conjunctivitis is the most common cause . you can refer to the previous page for further information 另外,病原菌引發的結膜炎也會有很多眼屎,這類眼病約兩星期左右就可以治好。

He lay but opened a red eye unsleeping , deep and slowly breathing , slumberous but awake . and far on kish bank the anchored lightship twinkled , winked at mr bloom 他臥在那里,卻睜開一只未入睡的眼睛,深深地緩慢地呼吸著,雖困盹卻是醒著的。

Symptoms include high fever , headache , chills , muscle pain , and vomiting , and may include jaundice , red eyes , abdominal pain , diarrhoea or rash 病徵包括發高熱頭痛冷顫肌肉疼痛和嘔吐,亦會有疸紅眼腹部痛楚肚瀉或紅疹等徵狀。

I always felt like if i looked up quickly enough , i would see a pair of red eyes or whatever it was that was watching me 我總覺得如果我抬頭足夠快的話,就會看到一雙紅色的眼睛或是別的什么東西在看著我。

How could red eye be removed from photos ? do you know that some people still give red eyes even with the red - eye flash mode 為何有些人在拍照時,已利用相機特設的防紅眼閃光模式仍不能避免紅眼的出現呢?

Old behmnan , with his red eyes plainly steaming , shouted his contempt and derision for such idiotic imaginings 貝爾曼老人紅的眼睛明顯地表示著生氣,他大聲喊叫,鄙視與嘲笑這種白癡般的想法。

The red eyes of the maille lizardmen behold the dark shadows cast by war - ravaged gludio castle 具有紅色眼睛的雄性蜥蜴人,這是蜥蜴人的另一支派。有一層黑色的陰影正朝向疲憊于戰爭的古魯丁城。

Old behrman , with his red eyes plainly streaming , shouted his contempt and derision for such idiotic imaginings 老貝爾門兩只發紅的眼睛顯然在迎風流淚,他十分輕蔑地嗤笑這種傻呆的胡思亂想。

My mother and sister both dream of my late father having red eyes i was hoping you can interrupt that for me . 我的母親和姐姐都夢見先父眼睛是紅的,我希望你能為我解釋一下嗎?

Affected persons will present initially with cough , runny nose , fever , red eyes and white spots inside the mouth 受感染的人初時會咳嗽流鼻水發燒眼紅及口腔內出現白點。

Old behrman , with his red eyes plainly streaming , shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings 老貝爾曼雙眼通紅,顯然是淚漣漣的,他大聲叫嚷著說他蔑視這種傻念頭。

I wish i could forget the roll of the red eyes and the fearful blackened inflation of the lineaments 但愿我忘掉那雙骨碌碌轉的紅眼睛,那付黑乎乎五官鼓鼓的鬼相! ”

His red eyes in the dream may be a way to draw attention to his inner love , energy , and vigor 在夢中他的眼睛是紅的可能是一種喚醒他內在的愛、能量和活力的方式。

Early : itchiness , scratching or foreign body sensation , congested and red eyes , discharge from eyes 初期病徵:眼睛刺癢有異物感結膜充血或眼部分泌物增加。

A more logical explanation for the red eyes may be a reference to the memory of your father 一個關于紅眼睛的更具邏輯性的解釋是它可能涉及對你父親的回憶。