
recovery n.1.重獲;復得;恢復,收回,回收。2.還原,復原;痊...

recovery plant

Actually, roosevelt regarded these measures as stopgaps to keep people from starving until recovery had set in . 實際上,羅斯福是把這些措施作為復興到來之前防止饑荒的權宜之計。

Careful nursing, with particular attention to feeling, will aid those cases where spontaneous recovery is likely . 精心護理,特別是情感上的呵護,有助于一些病例的自行恢復。

The policy could easily prevent the government from taking the full steps necessary for economic recovery . 這個政策可能會輕易地阻止政府采取促進經濟復蘇所必要的全部步驟。

These fibers are characterized by having high strengths, high elongations and good to excellent elastic recovery . 這些纖維的特點是具有高強力,高伸度和優異的彈性恢復。

The sickness is characterized by sudden onset, coughing, dyspnea, fever, prostration, and rapid recovery . 此病特點是突然發作,咳嗽,呼吸困難,發熱,虛弱,并很快康復。

Just when it seemed that he was on the road to recovery he suffered a stroke and died on august 2, 1923 . 就在他看起來要痊愈時,他中風了,于1923年8月2日死去。

Both fuel usage is reduced and cash flow is improved with the use of heat recovery equipment . 由于采用了熱回收裝置,既降低了燃料用量,又使現金周轉得更快。

The involvement of several genes tends to complicate the recovery of high levels of resistance . 由于涉及到一些基因,使得高水平抗病性的恢復傾向于復雜化。

Improvements of this process will probably be tied to more efficient heat recovery arrangements . 此方法的改進看來是要致力于更有效的熱量回收措施。

Recovery of valuable dusts and fumes for economic reasons is also a major application . 從經濟的角度回收有價值的粉塵和微塵也是其主要的應用方面。

The programs for european economic recovery were expected to bring about lasting prosperity . 恢復歐洲經濟的各種計劃,都是為了帶來持久的繁榮。

Ever since his recovery he has been placidly frail, yet capable of surprising endurance . 自從他病愈之后,就一直沉靜而虛弱,卻有驚人的耐力。

My appearing in the television ad was an essential part of chrysler's recovery . 我出現在電視廣告片中是克萊斯勒起死回生過程的一個必要部分。

Even a ten minutes' walk tells on jim, following his recent recovery from his illness . 吉姆的病剛復原,即使走十分鐘的路也會使他疲累不堪。

Organic content in the resulting steam condensate would be too dilute to justify recovery . 蒸氣冷凝水中的有機成份過度稀釋,以致不能回收。

The dall flow tube is an empirical design with an extremely high pressure head recovery . Dall流量管是具有特別高的壓頭補償的實驗裝置。

Extent in chief was a proceeding by the crown for recovery of a debt due to it . 主扣押令是通過國王為索取歸于他的債務進行的一種程序。

Water vapor from the evaporative recovery process may be recondensed, and also reused . 蒸發回收過程產生的水蒸汽可再冷凝,也可再用。

Anyone providing information which leads to the recovery of the painting will be rewarded . 凡提供線索有助于找到該畫者將受到獎勵。