
reconciler n.調解人。


Status reports are sent during four events : at the start of each user table being processed for upload , at the start of each user table being processed for download , when the reconciler is started , and whenever the reconciler “ percent complete “ value is updated 有四種事件在發生過程中會發送狀態報告:開始每個用戶表的上載過程時;開始每個用戶表的下載過程時;啟動協調器時;更新協調器的“完成百分比”值時。

Property must be specified when the sql server reconciler connects to the distributor using a network protocol other than the default protocol specified in the client network utility 如果sql server reconciler連接到distributor時使用的網絡協議不是在client network utility中指定的默認協議,則必須指定

The sql server replication listener and merge replication reconciler that are hosted on the computer that is running iis do the following 運行iis的計算機中所承載的sql server復制偵聽器和合并復制協調器將執行下列操作:

A user - defined delegate that consumes the ongoing synchronization events reported during the reconciler work 一種用戶定義的委托,使用調解程序工作期間報告的正在執行的同步事件。

Each node in the topology handles the xml data stream by using the merge replication reconciler replrec . dll 拓撲中的每個節點都使用合并復制協調器( replrec . dll )處理xml數據流。

Specifies the network protocol used when the sql server reconciler communicates with the distributor 指定sql server reconciler與distributor通信時使用的網絡協議。

Specifies the network address used when the sql server reconciler is connecting to the distributor 指定sql server reconciler連接到distributor時使用的網絡地址。

Specify this property to indicate how the sql server reconciler communicates with the distributor 指定此屬性以指示sql server reconciler如何與distributor通信。

This event occurs when the reconciler is started , or when your code performs a synchronization check 啟動協調器或代碼執行同步檢查時,將發生此事件。

A profile contains a set of parameters that control the behavior of the sql server reconciler 配置文件包含控制sql server reconciler行為的一組參數。

Constant used by the sql server reconciler to communicate with the distributor Sql server reconciler與distributor通信時所使用的