
recommendation n.1.推薦,介紹;介紹信。2.特長;可取之處。3.勸告...


It ' s only a recommendation , and i would iike to hear it 只是個建議而且我想聽聽

Performance , follow the guidelines and recommendations provided in 性能,請遵守

Detailed recommendations are shown on pages 12 - 15 推薦細節顯示在第12至15頁上。

Trees in relation to construction - recommendations 與建筑物周圍相稱的植物.推薦

These recommendations were accepted by the government 這些建議都獲得政府采納。

Recommendations of other united nations bodies do not have the mandatory force of security council decisions, but may influence situations through their moral weight as the expression of world opinion . 聯合國其他機構的建議不具有安全理事會的決定的強制性效力,但是可以作為世界輿論的反映,以其道義上的影響對局勢發揮作用。

After a prolonged canvass of possible projects, goodwin adjourned the meeting with the request that each agency submit its recommendations within a week . 在對那些可能采取的計劃作了長時間討論以后,古德溫要求與會的各個機構在一星期內提出自己的建議,接著就宣布散會。

Mr. john dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest of the family; but he was affected by a recommendation of such a nature at such a time . 約翰達希伍德先生對家庭的其他成員沒有什么強烈的感情,但他被這樣一種時刻提出的這樣一種性質的勸說所感動。

I determined to put my real merit to the severest test, by presenting myself without any recommendation before the wild, illustrious philosopher . 我決定不出示推薦信向這位大名鼎鼎的、倜儻不羈的哲學家毛遂自薦,讓自己的身價經受一次最嚴峻的考驗。

Some of them were growing restless with the consequences of their own recommendations and began to work against policies which they themselves had designed . 有的人看到自己的建議所引起的后果而變得惶惶不安,并且開始反對他們自己所策劃的政策。

Butler, apprehensive of the consequences of his agitation to an aged and feeble frame, ventured to utter to him a recommendation to patience . 巴特勒擔心這樣的激動會給一個上了年紀而體質衰弱的人帶來怎樣的后果,壯著膽子上前勸他忍耐一些。

Vice president george bush asked a committee of drug-agency officials to study the issue and offer a recommendation soon . 喬治布什副總統要求一個由毒品查禁機構官員組成的委員會研究這個問題并盡快地提出一個解決的方案來。

Interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment . 你們的心弦與自由絲絲相扣,因此用不著我來增強或堅定你們對自由的熱愛。

To the old florentine it was impossible to despise the recommendation of standing well with the best florentine families . 對于佛羅倫薩的一個老人來說,不可能無視能夠跟佛羅倫薩的名門望族融洽相處這樣一個有利的論證。

To the old florentine it was impossible to despise the recommendation of standing well with the best florentine families . 對于這位佛羅倫薩老人來說,不可能輕視能與佛羅倫薩名門望族融洽相處的舉薦。

Against the recommendations of all of his cabinet he drew the line and made no concessions to the protesters . 他拒絕全體內閣成員的建議,而劃出一條不能逾越的界限,而且不對抗議的人們作出讓步。

The simplicity and cheerfulness of her nature, her contented and grateful spirit, were a recommendation to everybody . 她質樸愉快的性情,知足常樂的精神,對每個人來說,是可稱道的。

Rigid adherence to these recommendations can only serve as an aid to the acceptance and understanding of taxonomic principles . 嚴格遵守這些輔則只會有助于領會和接受分類學原理。

The operator should check with the supplier of his bin to determine recommendations concerning wall stiffeners . 操作者應與谷倉提供者一道進行檢查,以確定增加包壁強度的措施。