
reckon vt.1.計算;總計(up); 合計達…;算入,列入,加...


It remained a state and a power in american life to be reckoned with . 它仍然是美國生活中不可小看的一個州和一股勢力。

We wanted a quiet holiday , but we had reckoned without the children . 我們原想安安靜靜地度假,卻沒有把孩子考慮在內。

If that happened, he would have the politicians to reckon with . 倘使碰到了這樣的事情,他就非要把一些政客牽入不可。

It is his instinct to reckon on women as constant by their nature . 他的直覺使他認為女人在本質上就是一成不變的。

I reckoned i wouldn't stay on hand till he got that chance . 我算計著我決不會老呆在他身邊,讓他有機會來那一手。

In this hurry i came to the bar and paid my reckoning . 在這種應接不暇的狀態之中,我親自跑到柜上,付了店錢。

There are a few really big forks-- moments of reckoning . 也會有幾個很大的岔路口--這是需要細加盤算的時刻。

I have been spending part of my time tonight in reckoning how i stand . 剛才我盤算了半夜功夫我該取何態度。

Jim said he reckoned the people in that house stole the coat . 吉木說他認為那件大衣是那個屋子里的人偷的。

It should perhaps be reckoned as one of the discoveries of walras . 或許應該把它算作是瓦爾拉的發現之一。

That's the thing i want to get at. now what do you reckon it is ? 這一點我想弄明白,你揣摩那是什么意思?

When you did your expenses , did you reckon in your taxi fares ? 你計算費用時,把計程車費算進去了嗎?

You are enjoying yourself now , but a day of reckoning will come . 別看你現在逍遙,將來會遭報應的。

I reckon we'll climb down there and have a hunt for that box . 我看咱們得往那邊爬下去找那個箱子。

I waited till i reckoned he had got a good start . 我等了一會兒,等到我算計著他劃上了勁兒的時候。

The murderer did not reckon on the policeman's finding the gun . 殺人犯沒料到警察會發現那支槍的。

She is a force to be reckoned with , i.e. someone to be treated seriously . 她是不可忽視的力量。

Reckon up all your money and see if you have enough . 估算一下你一共有多少錢,看是否已經足夠了。

In the final reckoning weakness has invariably tempted aggression . 說到底,軟弱總是招引侵略。