
reckless adj.不注意的;滿不在乎的;魯莽的,輕率的,不顧一切的...


And what a reckless devil the man was 而且是個多么肆無忌憚的惡魔似的男了!

Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon 要想得到愛情和食糧,就要不吝舍棄。

Some of these young motorcyclists are very reckless 有些年輕的摩托車騎士很魯莽。

The van drives off with a reckless disregard for life 那輛貨車橫沖直撞的逃跑

Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon 對愛情和烹調都一樣不能輕言放棄。

Your reckless spending will beggar your father 你無度的揮霍將把你父親搞窮了。

Oh , yeah . you ' re a big selfish , reckless hoofer 對了,你是最自私的,最魯莽的家伙

Nora tended to be impulsive and sometimes reckless 勞拉做事沖動,有時還很莽撞。

Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon 愛和烹飪之道即在恣情任性而為。

He asked himself whether daisy's defiance came from the consciousness of innocence or from her being, essentially, a young person of the reckless class . 他自己問自己,戴西的這種蔑視態度究竟是由于自信清白無辜,還是她本來就屬于那種放蕩的女人。

His first shot a failure, dyke fired again and again at his enemy, emptying his revolver, reckless of consequences . 戴克第一槍沒有打響,就朝他的對頭繼續一槍槍的打,把左輪里的子彈全部打光,完全不去想打光了該怎么辦。

She thought of it with an ever-growing consciousness of cruelty, which tended to breed actions of reckless unconventionality . 她越往這一層捉摸,就越覺得命運殘酷,因此她就有一種一意孤行、不隨流俗的趨向。

It is a mixed lot which enters upon the medical profession, and naturally there are some who are lazy and reckless . 投身于醫生這個職業的人五花八門,各色各樣自然也免不了有一些懶蟲和不顧一切后果的人。

Those embezzlers and grafters who are reckless with greed must be dealt with seriously in accordance with the policy . 對那些利欲熏心的貪污盜竊分子,一定要按照政策嚴肅處理。

In comparison with the mammal, the ordinary reptile is altogether reckless of its offspring . 和哺乳動物比起來,一般的爬行動物對它們的后代簡直是太漠不關心了。

This balance is being upset by industrialization and the reckless exploitation of the environment . 這種平衡狀態正在被工業化和不顧一切開發環境所破壞。

A reckless man! to win a bet, he had once spent a whole night in the cemetery . 一個肆無忌憚的人!為了贏得一筆賭注,他有一次在墓地里待了整整一夜。

There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion . 最最放蕩不羈的人也有幾根心弦,一撥就會動感情。

One such instance of dishonesty might be argued to be the result of reckless impulse . 這種瀆職行為如屬一次偶犯尚可推諉于一時的沖動。