
reciprocator n.1.報答者。2.往復機件。


Was established in 1996 , grows fast as the development of the econnomy , we mainly research , develop and produce plastics , metal dustless coating macbine , transmission equipment , cprintedilk production line and all kinds of nonstandard industrial equipments , such as automatic constant temperature and constant humidity uv ray solidified production line , we also provide automatic electrostaric cleaning system and reciprocator , and piastic of coating cine mobile phone , camera , pda , dvd . stereos coating line , single or double core - strained powder - recycling system , full stainless steeled spraying . overflowing pre - treatmentsystem , gas or oil combustion machine , electric heat drying stove , workshop cleaing , air supplier cleaning equipment etc 其中包括恒溫恒濕及全自動uv光固化生產線;全自動靜電除塵設備系統及往返系統;手面、相機、掌上電腦、 dvd 、多媒體音箱等塑膠外殼涂裝生產線‘單、雙回收濾芯式粉體系統;全不銹鋼噴淋式、游浸式前外理;燃氣、燃油、電熱風烘干爐;凈化車間、凈化供風設備等。

Can be used the computer technology to control the vertical reciprocator which is our renewal product with high level automation , reliable running , control winbly , and adujsting the distance during machin running 用電腦技術來控制升降機,是該廠升級換代的產品,其自動化程度高,可靠性強,控制方式靈活,能在不停機的情況下進行行程調節。