
recidivism n.【法律】累犯,慣犯〔指所犯罪行〕。


So the concept of recidivism in the law must be corrected like this : the recidivism is the criminal possessing definite personal fatalness that has been condemned to the imprisonment since deliberate guilt , then recommitted and been condemned to the imprisonment again in the legal term after finishing punishment or absolver 因此,累犯的概念應表述為:因實施故意罪被判處徒刑以上刑罰,在刑罰執行完畢或者赦免后法定期限內又犯應處徒刑以上刑罰,具有一定的人身危險性的故意犯罪的犯罪分子。

The 1997 “ chinese criminal law needs to be revamped and consummated bearing on the recidivism system , e . g . enlarging the range of special recidivism , adding the corporate organiza tion recidivism , removing the provision of forbidding parole to the recidivism , redressing the judiciary interpretation of stepping up the recidivism poll as the legal punishment , punishing the cumulative recidivism with integrative measures etc 我國1997年刑法對累犯制度作了較大修改,但與世界刑事立法的潮流及現代累犯制度尚不相適應,應予修改和完善:擴大特殊累犯的范圍;增設單位累犯;去除累犯不得假釋的規定;糾正最高人民法院將累犯作為法定刑升格情節的司法解釋;對于數罪累犯,應綜合適用刑罰措施進行處罰。

This is run by volunteer police officers and meets twice a week at ntn headquarters in tai po . it is designed to offer both a challenge and a supportive environment that replaces the triad society . it seems to work as the boys in the club have had an extremely low recidivism rate 該會由志愿的警務人員主理,每星期在大埔的新界北總區總部舉行兩次聚會,目的是營造一個既提供挑戰又提供支持的環境,把青少年從黑社會手中搶救回來。

A faith - based regime , known as the association for protection and assistance to the convicted , has been developed in brazil over the past 30 years and is now used in 14 countries ; it also claims low rates of recidivism 過去30年來,巴西建立起一種以宗教信仰為基礎的監獄管理方式,以“保護和援助囚犯協會”最為知名,現在這種方法被推廣至14個國家,且重犯率亦低。

Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years , and recidivism ? ? that is the rate for re - arrest ? ? is more than 60 percent 更讓人飲食吃驚的事實情況是監禁的數目和比例在過去的二十年中翻了一番還有余,以同累犯率? ?即再次拘押的比例? ?為百分之6十強。

Meditation was found to significantly reduce anxiety , aggression , tension , and introversion . the recidivism rate for those who meditated was 30 to 35 percent lower than for those in the other four treatment groups 打坐不但明顯降低焦慮侵犯緊張和封閉性格,而且再犯罪率也比其它四種方法減低百分之三十至三十五。

Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years , and recidivism ? ? that is the rate for re - arrest ? ? is more than 60 percent 更讓人吃驚的事實是監禁的數目和比例在過去的二十年中翻了一番還有余,以及累犯率? ?即再次拘押的比例? ?為百分之六十強。

Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years , and recidivism ? ? that is the rate for re - arrest ? ? is more than 60 percent 更讓人吃驚的事實是*的數目和比例在過去的二十年中翻了一番還有余,以及累犯率? ?即再次拘押的比例? ?為百分之六十強。

Staged surgery performed for cholesteatoma caters to the tendency of postoperative recidivism of this pathology and for the purpose of achieving better hearing result 摘要針對膽脂瘤術后容易復發或殘存的特性以及改善聽力的目的,我們對膽脂瘤性慢性中耳炎216耳中的105耳( 48 . 6 % ) ,施行階段性手術。

Thanks to the humanitarian , scientific and civilized management of the prisons and reform - through - labor institutions , the recidivism rate has for many years stood at 6 - 8 percent 中國監獄、勞改場所實行人道主義和科學文明的管理。這使中國罪犯重新犯罪率多年來一直保持在僅有6 %至8 %的水平。

More than 11 , 000 prisoners and 900 correctional officers learned the method . prison violence has since decreased markedly and recidivism rates have plunged from 90 percent to 8 percent 監獄中的暴力沖突顯著減少,更令人驚訝的是再犯罪率竟然由百分之九十降至百分之八。

The recidivism legislative must be based on the personal fatalness above the social harmfulness , and it should also be the theory foundation about heavy punishment to the recidivism 累犯立法設置和從重處罰的理論根據應該是立足于社會危害性之上的人身危險性。

Although new educational methods such as vocational training and psychotherapy are frequently introduced , they have been ineffective in reducing recidivism 雖然,職業訓練心理治療等新的教育方法不斷出籠,可是減少再犯罪的效果始終不彰。

Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years , and recidivism ? 更讓人吃驚的事實是監禁的數目和比例在過去的二十年中翻了一番還有余,以及累犯率?

In our country , the criminal law also needs to consult the heavy punishment to the first offender to punish the recidivism and no probation 對累犯的處罰要注意到累犯應當比照初犯從重處罰且不得適用緩刑。

The recidivism system is so archaic that every country in the world has ordained explicit provisions about it 累犯制度是一項古老的刑罰制度,世界各國刑法對累犯制度都有明確的規定。

It needs to supplement the personality factor to confirm the ordinary recidivism 在普通累犯成立的條件中,應增加罪犯的人格因素。

Prediction of recidivism 屢犯預測

6 . reduced recidivism 六減少再犯罪率。