
recede vi.1.后退,退卻 (opp. proceed)。2....


We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance 我們駛抵公海,海岸似乎退到了遠方

The waters are slowly starting to recede after four days of rain 肆虐了四天的洪水正在逐漸退去。

The memory was receding and he couldn ' t remember anything 記憶在變得模糊,他什么也想不起來了。

The article receded from the newspaper 這篇文章從報紙上撤下了。

Your gum line is receding . there are deep pockets in your gums 你的牙齦萎縮。有很深的牙囊。

The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded 破產的危險已經減少了。

The company decided to recede from a bargain 公司決定撤銷買賣合同。

Where v is the receding velocity and c is the speed of light 公式中的c為光速,即約3x10

Floodwaters began receding in some areas of kentucky 洪水在肯塔基州的某些區開始退了。

There is no pain , you are receding 沒有痛感,但是你卻在我的視線中湮滅。

The craze receded as quickly as it had spread 呼拉圈熱來得快,去得也快。

Swelling and erythema receded after a few days 水腫和紅斑也于用藥很少幾天后減輕了。

As the tide receded we were able to look for shells 潮水退去,我們就能尋找貝殼了。

2 wear and fatigue test for horizontal receding door 水平后斜門的磨耗和疲勞試驗。

Billy : what about my 1 ) receding hairline 比利:那我一直往后退的發線怎么辦?

And yet still that hair would hide his receding hairline 但頭發仍然會蓋著前額

His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead 他的頭發開始從前額往后禿了。

He laughed, sang, shuffled and shouted in a festival of inebriated ecstasy until he could no longer keep awake and receded peacefully into slumber . 他又笑又叫,又唱又跳,好象過節似的興高采烈,如醉如癡,直鬧到眼睛睜不開來,安安靜靜地進入了睡鄉。

Then, like the long withdrawing sound of a receding wave, the sense of night and sea and warmth went from him . 隨后,象退潮時逐漸遠去的悠長濤聲一樣,夜、海、溫暖這些感覺全部離他而去。