
reassess vt.1.對…再估價,再估定,再評價。2.再征稅。n.-...


Having reassessed the situations and looked at how things are evolving and the concerns expressed by various sectors of the community , because now some of the infections ( these are not infection in schools ) have been transmitted through the chain of contacts - - we now have students who have been to school and there is a fear of transmission to other students in schools ?生署副署長梁?賢醫生:今天我們證實了有兩名學童感染肺炎,其中一名是十三歲女學生,另一名是十七歲的女學生。現時我們正在調查是那一間學校,以及發病時間,稍后我們會把學校名字公布及停課時間,現時我們的同事正在收集進一步的資料。

This adjustment is carried out under the new background which both domestic and abroad situation changes drastically . the shift of times theme , the integration of the world economy as well as the industrial structure adjusting globally , and the reassessing the relationship between china and other countries are the international background of this adjustment . the enormous change of domestic political stage , the rash policy and the imported - leap in economy as well as their serious consequence , the summarizing of experiences and lessons of the economic development since the founding of the prc 時代主題的轉換、世界經濟一體化與國際范圍內的產業結構調整,以及重新審視中國與外部世界的關系等,構成了中國進行經濟調整的國際背景;國內政局的重大變化、經濟上的急躁冒進及其所帶來的困難,對建國以來歷次經濟調整經驗教訓的總結和對蘇聯模式的反思,是本次經濟調整的國內背景;而思想路線以及基本經濟理論的撥亂反正,則為本次經濟調整提供了理論支持。

The tax payable will normally fall due in january 2008 . for tax bills issued before legislative amendments , the inland revenue department will reassess them after the enactment of the legislation . the excess tax paid will be refunded to taxpayers from late july onwards 在法例通過前已發出的稅單,未能扣減寬免的款額,稅務局會在法例通過后重新計算,預期可在7月底開始向有關人士發還多繳稅款,市民無須致電稅務局查詢。

For tax bills issued before legislative amendments , the department will reassess them after the enactment of the legislation . the excess tax paid will be refunded to taxpayers from late july onwards . there is no need for taxpayers to make phone enquiry 在法例通過前已發出的2006 - 07年度稅單,未能扣減寬免的款額,稅務局會在法例通過后重新計算,預期可在7月底開始向有關人士發還多繳款額,市民無須致電稅務局查詢。

“ the constantly changing threats and challenges confronting law enforcement agencies require us to constantly reassess not only our response , but also our preparation , “ said interpol secretary general , mr ronald k . noble , who officiated at the opening ceremony 專程來港主持開幕禮的國際刑警秘書長羅秉義說:執法組織面對的威脅與挑戰不斷改變,我們不但需要經常重估應變方式,還要時刻重估我們的準備工作。

The return of financial stability to the crisis - hit economies and the general climate of economic recovery throughout the region , make this an appropriate time to reassess the various currency arrangements in the region from a number of different perspectives . 適逢受危機打擊的經濟體系回復金融穩定,以及亞洲區經濟普遍開始復蘇,現在正好是適當時候,從不同角度重新評估區內不同的貨幣安排。

It executives have had to reassess the way they build , manage and use the information infrastructure . under constant pressure to do more with less , businesses have to push for more competitive and proactive information management models 管理人員必須重新評估其建立、管理和利用信息基礎設施的方式。在利用少量投入獲得更大利益的壓力下,必須擁有更加具有競爭力且更加主動的信息管理模式。

Fc approved a commitment of 14 million for engaging consultants to conduct a study on tes scheme to examine whether the scheme should cover seven additional trades and to reassess the discharge factors for six existing trades 財委會批準開立為數1 , 400萬元的承擔額,以委聘顧問就工商業污水附加費計劃進行研究,探討此計劃應否包括另外7個行業,以及重新評估6個現有行業的污水排放比率。

The dealing procedures of our open - ended mutual funds are conducted on each bank business day in hong kong , except corresponding public holidays in luxembourg . proactive investors could reassess their portfolio in response to the constantly changing investment environment 我們的開放式互惠基金交易可在任何交易日進行盧森堡公眾假期除外,投資者可以隨不同投資環境轉換基金。

Due to the fear of a terrorist attack on the us mainland using a chemical , biological , radiological , nuclear or high explosive ( cbrne ) device , the us army has reassessed its options and consolidated its specialised assets under a formal major command 由于擔心美國本土受生化武器,放射性核元素或高性能爆炸裝置的威脅,美國軍方重新評估方案,把資金集中用到主要需求上。

To start with , the hotline will serve only within certain hours , that is , every monday to friday from 11 am to 8 pm . we will regularly reassess the situation and if necessary , make it a 24 - hour service with voice mails recording 目前熱線?會在特定時間即每星期一至五上午十一時至下午八時內服務,我們將于稍后進行檢討,有需要的話,熱線可能發展成

Sargeson , sally , and jian zhang . “ reassessing the role of the local state : a case study of local government interventions in property rights reform in a hangzhou district . “ the china journal , no . 42 ( july 1999 ) : 77 - 99 重新評估地域國家的角色:一個杭州地方政府介入產權改革的研究實例, 《中國研究期刊》第四十二期, 1999年七月,頁77 - 99

The meeting came as palestinian leader yasser arafat , speaking during a visit to indonesia , said he will “ reassess “ whether to declare an independent palestinian state unilaterally on september 13 會議展開同時,巴勒斯坦領袖阿拉法特也于訪問印尼期間發表演說表示,他將重新評估是否將于九月十三日片面宣布成立一個獨立的巴勒斯坦國。

To develop a review system to reassess the need , timing , scope and priorities of strategic highway projects before implementation , and , if confirmed , to ensure their timely implementation ; and 制訂一個檢討制度,在實? i道路工程之前,重新評估有關工程的需要、時間、范圍及建議先后次序,確認后,需確保工程能適時完成;及

Assess and periodically reassess each patient ' s risk for falling , including the potential risk associated with the patient ' s medication regimen , and take action to address any identified risks 評估且視需要定期地再確認每一個病人跌倒可能的風險,包含病人因用藥而發生的危險并針對確認的風險采取預防或改善措施。

As to how we should reassess our education work and how we can prepare ourselves to face this new situation , these are big questions . we have to unite together to discuss and to plan 至于怎么樣改善我們辦學的工作,怎樣去應付將來的新狀況,那是一個艱巨的題目,需要兄弟姊妹們一起詳細討論去計劃。

Homeland security and the department of state are soliciting comments from the public about the action and will reassess the suspension over the next 60 days after reviewing the responses 國土安全部和國務院正就這個措施徵求公眾意見,并將在審議公眾的反應后,在今后六十天當中重新評估暫停措施。

Eriksson would be unwilling to take any risk on king ' s fitness , but was encouraged by his return to training and his condition will be reassessed ahead of the flight to geneva 唉里克森不會拿金的狀態來冒險,但對于他的及時回歸訓練感到高興,金的狀況將被重新評估,以評判是否適合前往曰內瓦。

A popular and official movement to reassess genghis khan ' s marauding image is being marshaled by admirers who say he was a truly great , if irascible , ruler 成吉思汗原本的形象接近土匪強盜,現在官方和大眾都在重新評估這個形象。仰慕他的人說他雖然也許暴躁易怒,卻是真正偉大的君王。