
reason n.1.理由,原因,緣故,動機。2.理性,理智;智慧;合...


I will do anything in reason . 只要是有道理的事我都答應去做。

I could not reason so to a man in love . 我不能跟一個在熱戀著的人那樣理論。

Cavitation can be caused by a variety of reasons . 氣穴可以由各種原因引起。

“but this is a new land,“ teroro reasoned . “這里是新的地方,”蒂羅羅說。

This reasoning is altogether sound . 這一論證是完全站得住的。

I have no reason to quarrel with him . 我沒有跟他口角的理由。

It 's difficult to assign any reason for the failure . 失敗的原因很難確定。

For that reason , i do n't believe her now . 為此我不相信她。

She no longer probed her reasons . 她不再去探究自己的理由了。

This is not possible for a number of reasons . 種種原因表明,這是不可能的。

The reason you give is rather unconvincing . 你的理由很勉強。

There is no reasoning with that woman . 那個女人簡直不可理喻。

I was too upset to reason now . 我當時非常慌亂,腦子都糊涂了。

For these reasons i desired an early conference . 因此我希望盡快召開會議。

What rhyme or reason could he have for doing that ? 他那樣做有什么道理呢?

He still reasoned with her, but in vain . 他仍在與她辯論,但是辯論也沒用。

Good is the passive that obeys reason . 善是服從理智的被動性。

I 'll do anything within reason to oblige . 能辦到的,我都愿盡力(效勞)。

She turned over in her mind possible reasons . 她挖空心思設想可能的原因。