
realm n.1.王國,國土。 2. 領域,區域,范圍。3.(學術...


An analysis of feng youlan ' s outlook on the realm of life 馮友蘭的人生境界說探析

The above four realms constitute a organic whole 以上四個境界為一個有機整體。

Heaven realm , state of mind , life times ' collision 天境,心境,碰撞的人生境遇。

The spiritual realm of the seven talents of the bamboo groves 竹林七賢的精神境界

It ' s the same requirement in the spiritual realm 同樣的,屬靈世界也有同樣要求。

For a detailed description of realms , see rfc 2617 at 有關領域的詳細說明,請參見

“ our dreams blend into the realms of reality “我們的夢合二為一,慢慢變成現實

Zhou dunyi ' s purview on the philosophy of spiritual realm 周敦頤境界哲學的視野

Are there realms like that , where there are angels 真的有這種有天使的境界嗎?

On shift of persons in the translation of the poetic realm 今譯和英譯的人稱變換

Practice materialism which pursuing the quot; true quot; realm 境界的實踐唯物主義

J.r.lowell, for instance, “can overflow with american humour when politics inspire his muse; but in the realm of pure poetry he is no more american than a newdigate prizeman“ . 比如說洛威爾,“當政治激起他的詩興時,他的作品洋溢著美國人的幽默;但是在純詩的領域里,他的美國氣質還不如一個地道的英國人”。

However loose the realm of political science may be considered to be, it deals with one set of institutions, the political, which can be specifically delimited . 無論政治科學范疇會被看得如何界線不清,但它畢竟是研究一整套可以明確規范其內容的各種政治體制的科學。

His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyalties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm . 他的想象力的貧乏,以及對社會的效忠范圍的狹小,使他置身于這個王國中基本社會階層的對立面。

If pressed, many englishmen would probably admit that they think of american influence on the language as affecting only the realms of slang . 如果被追問得緊,許多英國人可能會說,他們認為美國對英語的影響僅僅在俚語方面。

Many of the determinations used fall into the realm of microanalysis because of the small amounts of contaminants present in the samples . 因為存在于樣品中的沾染物含量很少,所以許多測定方法屬于微量分析范疇。

There is only literature, a universal realm in which the writer struggles with his universally obstinate medium language . 只有文學這一普遍性的領域,作家都用公認的那個難以駕馭的媒介,即文學,在勤奮寫作。

Indeed, the reason for our passionate commitment to the new initiative lay largely in the psychological and moral realm . 其實,我們所以這么傾心于這個主動行動,原因主要在心理和道義方面。

Silence ensued around the slumbering child, and the sages of the realm ceased from their deliberations . 寂靜隨即就籠罩在這熟睡的孩子周圍,國家的賢人們也就不再施展他們的深謀遠慮了。