
reaffirm vt.重申,再斷言,再肯定。


Indian and chinese foreign ministers meet in new york to reaffirm their countries ' strengthening relations 印度和中國的外交部部長在紐約會晤,重申兩國間增強的關系。

In 1 - 2 hours before the meeting time with your contacts and reaffirmed , so as not to delay your trip 我們在會面時間前1 2小時與您聯系,再次確認,以免耽誤您的行程。

With the release of today s report , we reaffirm the universal spirit of our nation s founding 通過今天公布這份報告,我們弘揚作為我國立國之本的人類共同精神。

I think it s very clear but i just want to reaffirm , that our primary concern is public health 在現時的情況下,不希望有任何機會傳播給其他市民,特別是小童。

Mr tung also reaffirmed his determination to build up hong kong as a leading digital city in the region 董建華重申他要建立香港成為區內領先的數碼城市的決心。

The chinese leaders reaffirmed these commitments at the handover , and we welcome those reaffirmations 中國領導人在澳門回歸時重申這一點,我們對此表示歡迎。

On 23 september 1996 , the government reaffirmed its determination to improve work safety in hong kong 簽署儀式上,政府重申對改善本港雇員工作安全的決定。

Divine experiences reaffirm masters power - masters wonders - the supreme master ching hai news 149 神圣體驗印證明師大力量-神奇感應-清海無上師新聞雜志第149期

And jonathan had david reaffirm his oath out of love for him , because he loved him as he loved himself 17約拿單因愛大衛如同愛自己的性命、就使他再起誓。

The objective has been revisited and reaffirmed in various civil service pay reviews since then 自此進行的多項公務員薪酬檢討,一再探討并肯定這個目標。

Bush reaffirms u . s . commitment to one - china policy photo opportunity remarks with chinese premier december 9 布什總統重申美國堅持“一個中國”的政策

The light had been extinguished when he felt it necessary to reaffirm his will and pleasure 這時,蠟燭已經熄了,他覺得有必要重申一下自己的意愿。

Then samuel said to the people , “ come , let us go to gilgal and there reaffirm the kingship . 14撒母耳對百姓說、我們要往吉甲去、在那里立國。

In the 1971 review , the same concept was reaffirmed but worded slightly differently 一九七一年的檢討再次肯定這項原則,只是措辭略為不同: “

They have also reaffirmed their support to the group by offering favourable open credit terms 他們向集團給予記賬戶口,以支持集團擴大業務。

Deputy secretary of state richard armitage reaffirms u . s . - australian ties , 8172001 美國副國務卿阿米蒂奇談美澳關系、臺海局勢和美日關系

However , shearer reaffirmed that he will quit at the end of the 2004 / 2005 campaign 然而希勒肯定的說,他一定會在04 - 05賽季結束后退役。

We reaffirm that everyone should consider the work in the first place 再次重申,不得出現因為看球影響工作的情況,工作是第一位的

It is an opportunity to reaffirm our relationship and strengthen it for the next year 它也給我們提供了一個加強雙方關系的機會。