
readership 讀者的身份;〔美國〕(雜志、報紙的)讀者人數 〔cf. ...


They also have massive market potential , for example , china cartoon , secondary school student , china children s illustrated magazine which target readers in different age groups . the readership for these three magazines is over 200 million 以其中之中國卡通中學生中國少年文摘等三本雜志為例,屬該三本刊物年層之讀者人數約逾2億。

Not surprisingly , jellinek described his young , male readership as being “ obsessed “ with the 20 - year - old lohan , a ubiquitous party girl who spent the weekend soaking up the sun with a new boyfriend in the bahamas 她的一舉一動都受到關注,并會被報道。 ”耶里內克將雜志年輕男讀者對20歲的洛翰的喜愛描述為“癡迷” ,這一點都不奇怪。

It is particularly gratifying to learn that her gloss on my idea tizhi embodied knowing took on new shades of meaning readily accessible to the general readership thinking is more than just conceiving ideas and drawing inferences 令我欣慰的,是她對我“體知”思維方式的詮釋,使之有了全新意義,讓廣大讀者能夠體會到這種思維方式:

All too often the bottoms of advertisements are littered with miscellaneous crap , gadgets , etc . get rid of them ; they contribute to an appearance of untidiness which reduces “ impact “ and readership 在廣告版面的底部,最常見到雜亂無章的垃圾及小玩意兒。拿掉它們;它們所帶來的凌亂感覺只會讓廣告的影響力打折扣,并減少讀者人數。

President bush and his wife laura will appear a week earlier , according to blondie cartoonist dean young . he said the strip appears in over 2 , 300 newspapers in 55 countries with a readership of 250 million in 35 languages 他介紹說,這一系列連環漫畫已被翻譯成35種語言,在55個國家的2300多種報紙上刊載過,擁有2 . 5億名讀者。

For non - technical readers and federal agencies , the implications of the results might be the most important consideration , and emphasis should be placed on the discussion of the report for this readership 對于沒有技術的讀者和聯邦代理,結果的復雜性應該是最重要的考慮,并且出于讀者人數考慮,強調應該被放在報告的討論上。

I did not have a formal speech developed for that occasion , but it has since been suggested to me that perhaps the views i expressed there should be articulated to facilitate consideration by a wider readership 我沒有特別為這次發言擬備正式的演詞,不過其后有建議認為我應該公開在午餐會上發表的意見,與廣大讀者分享。

Headaches : a slowdown in traditional newspaper advertising . the proliferation of media choices , especially the internet , threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige 最頭痛的事:傳統報紙廣告量下降。隨著越來越多的媒體出現在人們面前,尤其是隨著因特網的發展,報紙的讀者群及影響面都有不同程度的下降。

Death note was an instant hit , amassing an avid readership in its three years of serialization . it was later published in a 12 - volume set in multiple languages , selling 18 million copies worldwide 死亡筆記單行本第一集在日本出版便引起哄動,初版一百萬本火速斷市,成為日本漫畫史上銷書最速的漫畫刊物。

As for popularity , his new book , “ the great unravelling “ - his eighth aimed at a broad , non - academic readership - has spent eight weeks on the new york times bestseller list 至于他的聲望,只需看他的備受關注的第八本新書《偉大的解釋》 ,此書已經連續八周榮登紐約時報上一個廣泛和非學術的讀者暢銷書排行榜。

Is next - a magazine that changes the nature of the media industry by trading credibility for a higher readership - a good example of course , views differ due to different stands and interests 當然,是不是要像壹周刊那樣顛覆媒體本質,以傳媒的信譽交換讀者的數目,不同立場,不同利益考量,各有不同看法。

A monthly research - based magazine written for business practitioners , it claims a high ranking business readership and enjoys the reverence of academics , executives , and management consultants 每月以研究為主的雜志寫商業從業人員,它宣稱,高級商務讀者群,并得到了崇敬的學者,行政人員,和管理顧問。

Each year hong kong trade development council publishes 14 product magazine titles and dozens of supplements with a worldwide readership of 5 millions , featuring products from hong kong and international suppliers 香港貿易發展局每年出版14類產品雜志及多種特刊,全球總讀者人數高達500萬。

This paper gives full account of practical experiences concerning the purpose , and the type of the redeveloping of readership , together with concrete measures 本文闡述了再造讀者群的出發點及其核心目標,并對再造讀者群的類型、再造組織形式以及具體實施步驟等提出了一些看法和建議。

China daily is conducting an online readership survey during november 9 - december 4 2005 . your responses to the questionnaire will help us to continue to improve china daily 《中國日報》自2005年11月9日至12月4日進行在線讀者調查。您的反饋將有助于我們不斷完善《中國日報》 。

Many bloggers / webmasters fall into this habit . we all hope that our readership / earnings will increase so we watch our all of our statistics many times each day 很多寫博客或者建網站的人都有這個毛病。我們都希望我們的讀者或者點擊率上升,所以我們一天會看好幾次統計數據。

To further widen the readership of the report and to promote understanding of the work of the hkma , the 1996 annual report will be available on the internet 為了進一步增加年報的讀者人數,以及促進各界人士對金管局工作的了解,金管局一九九六年年報亦可經由國際網絡查閱。

And , in the hope that these items will find a still wider readership , i would invite the media to quote this column freely , with or without their own commentaries 我希望此舉會對本港或海外的網頁瀏覽者帶來裨益。我亦誠邀傳媒友好轉載專欄的內容,置評與否,悉隨專意。

Headaches : a slowdown in traditional newspaper ration of media choices , especially the internet , threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige 隨著越來越多的媒體出現在人們面前,尤其是隨著因特網的發展,報紙的讀者群及影響面都有不同程度的下降。