
reactionary adj.1.反動的,倒退的;保守的。2.【化學】反應的。...


No explanation or excuse could get over the fact that the man is a reactionary 任何解釋和辯解都回避不了這樣一個事實:這個人是反動分子。

All efforts made by reactionary forces against socialism will only end in failure 反動勢力阻止社會主義事業的一切企圖只能以失敗而告終。

Therefore , let ' s not believe the false propaganda of the reactionaries and revivalists 因此,我們不要相信反動派和復辟者的虛假宣傳。

The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement 反動政府枉費心機地企圖削弱這場抗議運動。

There is no doubt that reactionary extremist forces are behind her killing 毫無疑問,反動的極端主義勢力與她的死亡脫不開干系。

She was on the hit list of al - qaeda and other reactionary islamic groups 她被列在基地組織和其他伊斯蘭反動集團的暗殺名單上。

That would only play into the hands of reactionaries , not help the reformers 那僅能予以反動派可乘之機,而無助于改革派。

Their chief task was to put an end to their government ' s reactionary policy 他們的主要任務就是制止他們政府的反動政策。

The most heroic & haughty one : all reactionaries are just paper tigers 最豪邁,最傲氣的一句話: ?切反動派都是紙老虎!

The legislation changes in organizational crimes on reactionary forces basis in china 我國黑社會性質組織罪的立法變遷

You damn reactionary 你這個該死的反動分子

The more the reactionaries lash out , the more resistance they provoke 反動派越是橫行霸道,就越發激起更強烈的反抗。

He is a dyed - in - the - wool reactionary ? there is no changing his opinions 他是徹頭徹尾的反動分子? ?沒法改變他的看法。

We don ' t accept the so called recognition given to us by the reactionaries 反動派對我們的所謂承認我們是不接受的。

Gen . lee is a reactionary 李將軍是反動分子?

All reactionaries invariably begin by making trouble and end up in defeat 一切反動派都以搗亂開始,以失敗告終。

All reactionaries are paper tigers 一切反動派都是紙老虎。

He ' s lining up with the most reactionary people in his party 他在同自己黨內最反動的人物結成同盟。

As he pointed out , all reactionaries are paper tiger 正如他所指出的那樣,一切反動派都是紙老虎。