
rattle vi.1. (硬物相碰或敲打時)格格地響。2.卡嗒卡嗒地...

rattle brain

When the cause of the disease was found to be a virus it was named tobacco rattle virus . 當人們發現引起這種病害是一種病毒時,便稱它為煙草脆裂病毒。

In irritation, he rattled it off, and then dismissed me with okay, that it ? 他焦躁地把它匆匆念完,說了聲“好了,行了吧?”就算把我打發了。

Feliks rattled the handle and pushed the door with his shoulder. it would not move . 費利克斯嘎嘎地擰著把手,用肩膀撞門,門一動不動。

He discovered that the rattle came from a hanging oil lamp that was swinging back and forth . 他發現聲響來自一盞來回擺動的吊油燈。

Down those wide endless streets the wind rattled between the rows of wooden houses . 街道又寬又長,風在兩排木頭房屋中間呼呼直響。

At every moment there was a rattle of a newly arrived vehicle from outside . 外邊不斷地傳來一輛輛剛到的馬車的軋轆轆的聲響。

How thin it is, and how dainty and frail; and how it rattles . 你看它夠多么薄,多么精致,多么不結實;還老那么嘩楞嘩楞地響。

It rattles the windowpane and sends the dog scratching to get under the bed . 它把窗玻璃震得格格作響,把狗嚇得往床底下鉆。

Once she started to talk about herself , she would rattle away for a long time . 只要講到她自己,她就喋喋不休地講個沒完。

Pen presently tried to dispel the silence by making a great rattling and noise . 潘為了沖淡這種冷場,便嘻嘻哈哈大聲談笑。

The rattle and bang of the frying-pan was grating horribly on my nerves . 平底鍋乒乒乓乓的聲音還在可怕地噬嚙著我的神經。

He rattled on about his job , not noticing how bored she was . 他只顧喋喋不休地說自己工作上的事,沒注意到她有多么膩煩。

All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling . 在你周圍好像有些東西又扎眼,又晃眼,又刺耳。

There was no loud rattle in his throat, no dreadful struggle . 他嗓子里并沒有很響的格格聲,也沒有令人驚駭的掙扎。

The rattle of their picks was what woke me from my musing . 他們的鶴嘴鋤發出來的卡嗒卡嗒聲使我從沉思中清醒過來。

The shields and swords that hung on the walls rattled against each other . 壁上掛的劍,盾相互撞擊,鐺鐺作響。

I couldn't imagine who was rattling around in the kitchen . 我怎么也猜想不出究竟是誰在廚房里弄得叮叮當當地。

My baby pictures show a silver rattle in my hand . 我有幾張嬰孩時期的照片,可以看出我手上拿的是銀做的響鈴。

There is something in there that lifts the lid and makes it rattle . 里面有東西把蓋子頂起來,使它格格作響。