
rather adv.1.〔與動詞連用〕寧愿,寧可,毋寧。2.稍微,有...


I got but rather little out of it . 我簡直沒有從這當中得著什么。

Which would you rather have , tea or coffee ? 你喜歡喝茶,還是喝咖啡呢?

I exclaimed in rather a triumphant tone . 我叫著,簡直是一種勝利的腔調。

“you'd rather feel sorry for yourself,“ she said . “你真丟人,”她說。

I 'd rather economize on clothes than food . 我情愿節衣不愿縮食。

She rather fancies herself as a singer . 她自以為是了不起的歌手。

His literary style is still rather raw . 他的文學風格還很不成熟。

He would rather die than live in dishonour . 他寧死不愿忍辱偷生。

He was a rather nice-looking young man . 他倒是一名很漂亮的青年。

She looks rather curious with green hair . 她頭發是綠的,樣子有點古怪。

His work is rather fluent and felicitous . 他的作品十分流暢,措辭巧妙。

He preferred to do this rather than that . 他說寧愿做這個,不愿做那個。

I think he is rather taken with the idea . 我認為他對那個想法挺感興趣。

They rather had me over the harmonium . 為了它,險些兒叫他們逮住了我。

This marriage rather simplifies matters . 結了婚倒使事情簡單化了。

The doctor said i was rather narrow in the hips . 醫生說我的臀部太窄。

It would result in the floor being rather springy . 這會導致樓板過柔。

He was rather heavy of expression . 他的表情有些遲鈍的,幾乎是愚蠢的。

He is very learned but rather absent-minded . 他很有學問,可是好忘事。