
ratable adj.1.可估價的,可評價的。2.〔英國〕應征稅的。3...


The assignee who has paid off all the ratable value for the land in accordance with this contract and has obtained the right to use the land by acquiring the liscense for state - owned land , is entitled to transfer , lease , mortage all or part of the right to use the land hereto this contract , whereas the assigner with the similar qualifications has the priority to bear the assignment 受讓人按照本合同約定已經支付全部土地使用權出讓金,領取《國有土地使用證》 ,取得出讓土地使用權后,有權將本合同項下的全部或部分土地使用權轉讓、出租、抵押,在同等條件下,出讓人享有優先受讓權。

You must complete and submit both property tax returns . the rental income can be apportioned by reference to the ratable values per demand for rates issued by the rating and valuation department 你可參考差餉物業估價署向該樓宇和車位所發出的徵收差餉通知書上的應課差餉租值,把租金總數分攤為兩份,然后分別填報在這兩份物業稅報稅表上。

Average ratable value of residential flats at no more than $ 66 , 000 per annum for urban areas ( including shatin , tsuen wan and kwai tsing ) and at no more than $ 50 , 000 per annum for other areas in the new territories 住宅單位平均每年應課差餉租值為:市區物業(包括沙田、荃灣及葵青)不超過66 , 000元;新界物業不超過50 , 000元

Average ratable value of residential flats at no more than 66 , 000 per annum for urban areas including shatin , tsuen wan and kwai tsing and at no more than 50 , 000 per annum for other areas in the new territories 住宅單位平均每年應課差餉租值為:市區物業包括沙田荃灣及葵青不超過66 , 000元新界物業不超過50 , 000元

Residential flats of private composite buildings of 20 years old or above and not exceeding the following ratable value limit -樓達20年或以上的私人住宅綜合用途樓宇的住宅物業及每年應課差餉租值為: