
rare adj.1.稀少的;(空氣等)稀薄的;(群島、星等)稀疏...


When the family are together it is rare that they talk about politics . 全家在一起團聚時,很少談論政治。

It was an island of rare beautywild, impetuous lovely bora bora . 博拉博拉島美得奇異狂放而又可愛。

I was rare and hungry . 我非常餓。

Historically, expropriation is rare but very visible . 從歷史上看,征用的事例雖然不多,但卻非常矚目。

It is no rare thing . 那不算什么稀奇。

You are a rare one . 你是一個難得的人。

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare . 蘭花和報春花之類的野花越來越少了。

Such devotion and confidence are rare even among women . 這種忠貞和信任即使在女人中間也是少見的。

You are a rare one . 你是一個了不起的人。

Cancer of the esophagus is relatively rare in the western world . 食道癌在西方世界是比較少的。

It is comparatively rare that an “exact“ analysis can be made . 一般很少能夠進行“精確”分析。

This practice is rare . 這種做法比較罕見。

Violent combat is rare . 很少有激烈的格斗。

I had rare fun with him . 我和他過得極快樂。

It 's a rare book . 這是一本不可多得的珍本。

The spontaneous regression of established tumors is a rare . 長成的腫瘤自發地消退是罕見的。

There were rare exceptions . 偶而也有些例外。

Rare clean sweet air rushes into her grateful lungs . 難得的清新爽朗的空氣吹進了她的胸膛。

Head-on collision are rare . 迎面碰撞很少發生。