rapscallion n.惡棍,無賴,流氓。
n. 惡棍,無賴,流氓。 “rapsch“ 中文翻譯: 拉普施“rapsani“ 中文翻譯: 拉普薩尼“rapsha“ 中文翻譯: 拉普沙“raps remote accessory power supply“ 中文翻譯: 遠程副電源“rapson process“ 中文翻譯: rapson硫酸還原法制備二氧化氯“raps“ 中文翻譯: 拉普斯; 能源獨立電力供應“raprichova“ 中文翻譯: 拉普里霍娃“rapsova“ 中文翻譯: 拉普索娃“rapreverse address resolution protocol“ 中文翻譯: 逆向地址解析協議
rapt |
On the road tom he told me all about how it was reckoned i was murdered , and how pap disappeared pretty soon , and didn t come back no more , and what a stir there was when jim run away ; and i told tom all about our royal nonesuch rapscallions , and as much of the raft voyage as i had time to ; and as we struck into the town and up through the - here comes a raging rush of people with torches , and an awful whooping and yelling , and banging tin pans and blowing horns ; and we jumped to one side to let them go by ; and as they went by i see they had the king and the duke astraddle of a rail - that is , i knowed it was the king and the duke , though they was all over tar and feathers , and didn t look like nothing in the world that was human - just looked like a couple of monstrous big soldier - plumes 我們到了鎮上,直奔鎮子的中心那時是八點半鐘只見有一大群人象潮水般涌來,手執火把,一路吼啊,叫啊,使勁地敲起白鐵鍋,吹起號角。我們跳到了一旁,讓大伙兒過去。隊伍走過時,只見國王和公爵給騎在一根單杠上其實,那只是我認為是國王和公爵,因為他們遍身給涂了漆,粘滿了羽毛,簡直已經不成人形乍一看,簡直象兩根軍人戴的猙獰可怕的粗翎子。 |
These rapscallions wanted to try the nonesuch again , because there was so much money in it , but they judged it wouldn t be safe , because maybe the news might a worked along down by this time 這兩個流氓又想演出王室異獸那一套,因為這能撈到大錢。不過他們也認定不安全,因為時至今日,上游的消息傳聞,也許已經一路傳開了。 |
So it was you , you little rapscallions , that s been making all this trouble , and turned everybody s wits clean inside out and scared us all most to death 原來是你們啊,是你們這些壞小子掀起了這場禍害,害得大伙兒顛三倒四的,害得我們差點兒嚇死。我恨不得在這時這刻就狠狠地揍你一頓。 |
I judged she would be proud of me for helping these rapscallions , because rapscallions and dead beats is the kind the widow and good people takes the most interest in 據我判斷,她會把我這么幫助那幫惡棍引為驕傲,就因為這類惡棍和騙子正是寡婦和正人君子們最感興趣的人哩。 |
“ if i get away i sha n t be here , “ i says , “ to prove these rapscallions ain t your uncles , and i couldn t do it if i was here “要是我走成功了,我就不會在這里了, ”我說。 “不會在這里為這些流氓并非你的叔叔這件事作證。如果我到時候還在這里,我也無法這樣干。 |
“ but , huck , dese kings o ourn is reglar rapscallions ; dat s jist what dey is ; dey s reglar rapscallions . “不過,哈克,我們這兒的國王可是個不折不扣的大流忙氓,就是這么回事,不折不扣的大流忙氓。 ” |
“ well , that s what i m a - saying ; all kings is mostly rapscallions , as fur as i can make out . “是啊,我要說的也是這個話:天下的國王都是大流氓,我看就是這么一回事。 ” |
Them rapscallions took in four hundred and sixtyfive dollars in that three nights 這兩個無賴在三個晚上騙到手了一共四百六十五塊大洋。 |