
rapprochement n.〔法語〕 和解,和睦;(恢復或建立)友好關系;恢復國...


Tension on the korean peninsula is ultimately an issue for the koreans themselves to resolve , and any u . s . - - dprk contacts should be supportive of and consonant with north - south rapprochement . second , we will continue to implement our commitments under the agreed framework while looking for ways to better achieve our non - proliferation objectives 其次,我們將繼續執行在《框架協議》中所做的承諾,同時尋找更好地實現我們的不擴散目標的途徑。我們還希望先和我們的盟友,然后同北韓探索提高執行《框架協議》的效果的途徑。

But the stark conclusion of all of these three books is that a rapprochement has become much less likely since the election in 2005 of iran ' s egregious mahmoud ahmadinejad signalled the ascendancy of an iranian group of “ neoconservatives ” far more ideological even than their american namesakes 不過,這三部著作(本文是對三本書的書評? ?譯注)都有一個顯而易見的結論,即自2005年異乎尋常的內賈德當選,標志著伊朗一批比美國保守黨更為不切實際的“新保守派”上臺執政之后,美伊恢復邦交的可能性就大大降低了。

The india - pakistan enmity , chinese - american confrontation , china - soviet friendship , america - pakistan alliance under the background of global cold war speeded up the coming of china - indian friendship , whereas the china - soviet dispute and india - soviet friendship , chinese - american hostility and india - american rapprochement , india - pakistan conflict and china - pakistan alliance accelerated the deterioration and split of china - indian relations 全球冷戰背景下的印巴敵視、中美對抗、中蘇友好、美巴結盟催生了中印兄弟情誼的到來;而中蘇分歧、印蘇友好、中美敵對、印美接近、印巴對抗、中巴聯合則加劇了中印關系的惡化與破裂。

The group of seven ( leading industrial countries ) , meeting in paris last weekend , took a very positive view of german rapprochement , saying it could contribute to better world economic growth and “ a reduction of imbalances in europe , “ as the final communique put it 上周末于巴黎召開的七國高峰會議,對兩德的復合持正面的看法,稱此舉對世界的經濟成長可能有所貢獻,正如其聯合公報所說“兩德統一有助于歐洲減少貿易失衡。 ”

After a holiday in america , mr sarkozy was this week keen to display his determination to bring about another tricky rapprochement : between french business and the anglo - saxon model of global capitalism 結束在美國的休假后,本周薩爾科齊先生熱切地希望展示他的堅強決心,為修復法國商業機構與盎格魯? ?薩克遜式的全球化的棘手關系的決心。

But brian myers , a specialist in north korean official propaganda at south korea ' s dongseo university , says the concert was more about giving americans an illusion of rapprochement than changing north korea 專家指出,自從2000年北韓和韓國政府舉行首腦會議以來,北韓同韓國的接觸顯著增加,北韓國內也因此發生了很大變化。

The paper believes his ( prince of wales ' s ) trip took the rapprochement between london and tehran a stage further , while opening up more distance in policy terms between london and washington 報章認為查爾斯對伊朗的訪問使得倫敦和德黑蘭的關系更進一步,倫敦和華盛頓政策上的分歧加深。

But as the year moved on revelations that iran had been deceiving the rest of the world about its nuclear experiments put an end to any hope of u . s . - iran rapprochement 但是這一年中,隨著時間的推移,伊朗一直向全球其它國家隱瞞其核試驗一事終被曝光,這使恢復美伊關系的希望成為泡影。

Henry , without the rapprochement that you and president nixon brilliantly achieved with your chinese counterparts , a conference such as this might yet be something in the distant future 亨利,如果不是你和尼克松總統成功地同中國恢復邦交,舉辦這樣的會議恐怕仍然是遙不可及的事。

There was much talk during the year of a growing rapprochement between jazz and rock while some jazz players were beginning to adapt rock materials and rhythms to their styles 爵士樂和搖滾音樂的結合日漸緊密,一些爵士樂手開始吸收一些搖滾的素材和韻律到他們的風格中。

If the revolution means the rapprochement with the western europe and america , then the enlargement and expansion will be a gift the west could offer 若東歐革命和其效應意味著與西歐和美國的再親近,那麼擴大與擴張就是后者的見面禮。

The event symbolises a budding rapprochement between ordinary turks and armenians 但是,美國國會如今可能會處心積慮地阻止著這個根基薄弱的進程。