
rapport n.〔法語〕1.關系;友好關系;和好,和睦,親善。2.降...


A better rapport might make argentina more palatable to investors and help the country restructure the $ 7 billion it owes to other governments 一個更加親善的環境會讓投資商認為阿根廷是一個更能賺錢的地方,這樣也就能幫助阿根廷政府更好地規劃如何還掉70億美元的外借貸款。

Even if agriculture could be natural , and even if we could develop some sort of instinctive rapport with the ways of nature , would nature be a good role model 即使農業可以是自然的,即使我們能培養出對自然方式的某種本能的親善,自然一定會成為一個好的行為榜樣嗎?

“ barcelona are authorised to negotiate with chivu and his agent , considering the excellent rapport between the clubs , “ revealed roma sports director daniele prade “鑒于兩俱樂部間的友好關系,羅馬允許巴薩與齊沃及其經紀人進行談判. ”羅馬運動經理普拉德透露. ”

Example : the salesman discovered he made more sales when he established rapport with potential clients before starting to discuss the products he wanted to sell 這位銷售員發現,如果他在開始談要銷售的產品之前,先與潛在客房形成親善的感覺,他就能賣得更多。

Lastly , if candidates are unnecessarily aggressive or over reticent , this will affect the interpersonal rapport which they establish with other group members 最后,假如投考人不必要地攻擊他人或過分沈默寡言,將影響與其他組員之間所建立的和睦關系。

Nowadays , museums provide diversified services to meet the interests and needs of the public , which aim at establishing a rapport with the audience 除展出更多不同類型和題材的展覽外,博物館亦舉辦各式各樣的教育及推廣活動,向?民提供優質文化服務。

If you ever feel you ' re just meandering on guitar , or bogged down , here ' s an exercise that will help improve your rapport with your instrument 如果你曾經感覺你只是在漫不經心的對待吉他,或陷得太深,這兒有一個練習將幫助改善你和樂器間的親密關系。

The employment information and promotion programme launched by the labour department aims strengthen rapport with employers and better serve their recruitment needs 除了向雇主推廣勞工處的各種招聘服務之外,計劃的專責小組誠意提供下列的服務:

Further it can help to establish rapport where the patient not only learns to trust their physician but also is more likely to heed their advice 而且有助于建立融洽的醫患關系,因為不僅會使病人信任醫生,而且更會使他們聽從醫生的建議。

Searching for a administrative programme for schools which is adjustable to needs and easy to build new forms and rapports on , i stumbled at none that could satisfie me 可以根據需要調整,很容易構建新的表單并完美處理的學校管理程序。

Even if he does retire , the czech hero has assured he will continue his rapport with juventus , as he will be offered a job in the youth academy 即使他掛靴,這個捷克英雄也會在尤文有很好的發展,因為他將得尤文青訓營到一份工作。

Why we should maintain frequent communication and rapport with respective gp , sp , app director , gso and other associates of starwood 為什么我們應該經常與全球銷售中心,地區銷售中心及其他的仕達屋酒店集團的銷售代表聯絡?

Most pertinent in the short - term will be whether mourinho ' s rapport with his players is affected by unusually sharp criticisms of them 如今最關鍵的是,穆里尼奧與球員的關系會不會因為這次不同于以往的尖銳批評而受到影響。

The occasion also strengthened team members rapport with their counterparts in other countries , thereby facilitating future co - operation 是次會議亦加強了代表團成員與其他國家地區代表之間的聯系,促進彼此日后的合作。

It also brings to mind st . francis of assisi , the roman catholic patron saint of animals , and his special rapport with gods creatures 接著,我又聯想到圣方濟這位羅馬天主教義中動物的守護神,以及他與動物間的密切關系。

I enjoy great rapport with fellow college students in the hostel . this extends to the warden , teachers and cleaning ladies 我很喜歡宿舍內舍友之間的和睦關系,同學之間,以至與舍監、老師、清潔女工,大家都融洽相處。

The occasion also strengthened their rapport with counterparts in other countries regions , thereby facilitating future co - operation 是次會議亦加強了代表團成員與其他國家地區代表之間的聯系,促進彼此日后的合作。

Chabrol has said that with the actors there are invariably power struggles , while with actresses the rapport is more one of seduction 夏布羅爾曾說他和男演員之間總有權利爭奪,而和女演員之間的默契超越了吸引力。

To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour , mr green lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage into the house 為了與新來的鄰居建立一種和睦的關系,格林先生不失時機地主動幫她把行李搬進屋子。