
rant n.大話,夸口話;叫喊,叫聲;怒吼;〔蘇格蘭語〕歡嚷吵鬧...


Conclusionskg1 ldsc and glt can decrease serum rantes level in patients with dm2 . they play a preventive and therapeutic role on diabetic complications by their antiinflammatory effect 結論六味地黃軟膠囊及銀杏葉片可降低2型糖尿病患者血清rantes水平,可能通過抗炎機制防治糖尿病并發癥。

But okuzaki is given to fits of violence , irrational ranting . in his desire to unearth these horrors , okuzaki ' s behavior grows increasingly extreme and bizarre 不過奧崎謙三有暴力傾向,喜歡怒氣沖沖地大叫大嚷。由于急切地想要挖掘出那些可怕的信息,他的行為變得越來越極端和異乎尋常。

Most bloggers rant and rave outside the gates , but in california they hold positions of power within the party : mr fleischman is the vice - chairman for southern california 在別的州,博客主人多在場外嚷嚷而已;而在加州,博客主人在黨內身居高位,弗來什曼就身為南加州的副主席。

The short answer is “ andrew bynum , “ but if bryant says that , the next question will be about his on - camera rant about not trading bynum for new jersey ' s jason kidd 簡短的回答是“因為拜納姆, ”可一旦科比那么說了,下個問題就要指向曾經要求將拜拿去交易網隊基德的老問題了。

“ may his next pasta meal give him salmonella poisoning , “ one user rants against the premier , whose love of food is a popular barb among opposition media 一名用戶發貼詛咒他: “希望他下次吃飯時沙門氏菌中毒。 ”科斯塔斯總理對于美食的熱愛經常成為反對黨媒體攻擊嘲諷的對象。

I guess when he gets past the 1st round , which means a few more months of listening to columnists / commentators / critics rant about how t - mac should look for his own shot 我想當他打過第一輪,這意味著他有更多的時間聽到專欄作家,評論家或者批評者對他應該多投籃的嚷嚷。

His face turned crimson , and he ranted and raved at the top of his lungs , but since he couldnt catch the attendant he gave up and went back to the river to clean himself up 他在那邊比手劃腳,面紅耳赤地吼得很大聲。但因為沒辦法抓到那個侍者,于是只好再去河邊洗澡。

The quality of writing is often a good guide to an entry ' s usefulness : inelegant or ranting prose usually reflects muddled thoughts and incomplete information 寫作的質量通常可以作為作品的作用的風向標:不優雅或者是夸大的散文經常反映出混亂的思維和不完整的信息。

Even lakers coach phil jackson didn ' t know what to say when asked to assess their progress during camp . he launched into a tongue - in - cheek political rant 當被問及到球隊在訓練營中取得的進步時,禪師也不知道該說些什么。他插入了一些毫不相干的政治內容。

Results in the treated group , the serum level of rantes decreased significantly after treatment , and it was significantly lower as compared with that in the control group p005 結果中藥組治療后血清rantes較治療前明顯下降,且明顯低于安慰劑組p0 . 05 。

Example : the unhappy customer had quite a rant against our product , so when he stopped shouting , we returned his money to satisfy him 這位不高興的客戶用相當激昂的言辭表達對我們的產品的不滿,所以當他停止叫喊時,我們把錢還給他,以滿足他的要求。

Every strip would naturally end as sunday ' s match did , with ranting and recriminations , and pea soup and pizza flung in all directions 這個漫畫系列可以隨著周日那場比賽而結刊了,隨著那些相互咆哮和相互揭丑,四下飛濺的豌豆湯和比薩餅而結刊了。

It was in falco ' s class that cho wrote the two plays , “ mr . brownstone “ and “ richard mcbeef , “ each full of violence and profane rants that his classmates found disturbing 趙曾寫過兩個劇本,里面都充滿了暴力和粗話,令他的同學非常震驚。

However , the worst of benitez ' s shameless rants ahead of the game is his claim that florent malouda chose chelsea over liverpool because of money 然而,貝尼特斯在賽前不知的羞恥發飆,說馬盧達選擇切爾西而放棄利物浦是因為錢。

A regular feature is my page 2 column , where i share rants , observations , tips , and musings about sales 這個報告的一個固定專欄是我在第二頁的一個專欄,那里我會分享一些我的對銷售行業的演講,觀察,提示以及思考。

I shall offer to pay him to - morrow ; he will rant and storm about his love for you , and there will be an end of the matter . 明天我就提出還他的錢,他一定會大吹大擂,說他怎么樣愛你疼你,那么事情就這樣完了。 ”

Xslt is a prominent example of this xml - everywhere tendency and its pitfalls - but that is a rant for a different column Xslt是xml無處不在這種趨勢以及這種趨勢的缺陷的主要例證但這是另一專欄所要討論的話題。

When he decides to run for president to unleash his trademark comic rants on the powers that be , something extraordinary happens - he wins 想不到大眾對他的政綱非常受落,電腦故障更令他在大選中勝出!

That is my rant . if you have questions , please feel free to post them in the comments here and i will do my best to answer 這就是我的咆哮。若你有問題,請隨意在此跟貼,我會盡我可能回答。