
ramble n.1.漫步;散步;徘徊。2.〔罕用語〕漫談,閑談。短語...


For church was not where we learned of god or his ways, but where we met our school friends and continued our long, rambling talks . 因為我們到教堂里不是去研究上帝或上帝的旨意,而是到那里能遇到我們學校里的朋友,并能繼續我們冗長的漫無邊際的談話。

“i come here pretty often,“ he went on, as they ascended a sort of alley rambling darkly between a wall and row of houses . “我常到這兒來”,他一面說下去,他們一面順著那條在一堵墻和一排房子中間的,彎彎曲曲的,黑沉沉的狹胡同走上去。

She resolved to spend almost every hour of every day while she remained with the palmers in the indulgence of such solitary rambles . 她決定,在她與帕爾默夫婦相處的日子里,她要盡可能在每一天中的每時每刻,耽迷于這種孤獨的徜徉。

Here being perfectly alone, i had leisure to sit down and reflect seriously upon the last seven months' ramble i had made . 在這里,我處于非常孤獨的環境,才有閑暇坐下來,認真考慮最近這七個月來我所經歷的流浪生活。

Being the third son of the family, and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts . 我在家里排行第三,并沒有學過什么行業。從幼小的時候,我的腦海里便充滿了遨游四海的念頭。

Behind him stood his house, great and rambling and very new, and in the kitchen his wife, a beautiful woman, made breakfast . 身后是他新建起來的,寬敞而凌亂的房屋,廚房里,他的妻子,一個美麗的女人,正做著早飯。

As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand . 他繼續漫談著自己和過去的生活,外面風刮起來了,像一只巨掌在搖撼著那單幢住所。

I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor . 我得說,他不該陪他的心上人在山上閑逛,他應該在醫生照料下,躺在床上。

And she took such a taste for this solitary rambling that she often contrived to remain out from breakfast till tea . 她是那樣地喜歡自己游蕩,經常在吃完早飯到喝茶這段時間想法在外面留連。

Undeterred, brezhnev rambled on about its historical importance for the united states and the soviet union . 勃列日涅夫并沒有知難而退,他繼續無休止地談論它對美蘇兩國所具有的歷史意義。

During a ramble about the city, i visited one of the two establishments where the government keeps and watches corpses . 我到城里各處去閑逛,參觀了政府保管和看守尸體的兩所房子之一。

Madge, therefore, uninterrupted, went on with the wild disjointed chat which her rambling imagination suggested . 而瑪吉憑著她無拘無束的想象,自由自在地繼續扯談些不相連貫的事情。

This was neither a grand nor a comfortable house, within as without it was antique, rambling and incommodious . 這是一幢既不華麗又不舒適的房子,里里外外都很古舊,雜亂和不舒服。

Soon after sunrise in the morning she stole out from the tent, and rambling into some fields at a short distance . 太陽剛剛升起,她就溜出了篷帳,漫步走到不遠的田野。

They go rambling over the world as if pursued by some mysterious fate they cannot possibly elude' . 他們似乎受了什么無可逃避的神秘命運的驅使,在世界上到處流浪。

He talked a lot of rambling stuff to his sister and to me sometimes of one thing, sometimes of another . 他對他妹妹和我說了一大堆亂七八糟的話,東拉西扯。

This brilliant, caustic, rambling satire is written in a colloquial style . 這篇光輝的,刻薄的,但很松散的諷刺的諷刺敘事詩是以一種通俗的口語體寫的。

In a word, in about twelve days' ramble i came home again, to the tune of about $ 94 expense . 總之遨游了十二天回到家里,一共差不多用了九十四鎊。

Their statements are often rambling and unrelated, or connected in only a limited way . 他們說話往往語無倫次,前言不搭后語,或僅有很少一點關聯。