
rajah n.〔印地語〕 (印度等的)邦主,王公;(馬來亞的)酋長...


The parsee , leading the others , noiselessly crept through the wood , and in ten minutes they found themselves on the banks of a small stream , whence , by the light of the rosin torches , they perceived a pyre of wood , on the top of which lay the embalmed body of the rajah , which was to be burned with his wife 借著鐵制火把尖上燃著的樹脂發出的亮光,他們瞅見那邊架著一堆木柴,那就是用浸過香油的貴重的檀香木筑成的火葬壇,壇頂上層,放著土王的熏香尸體,它將和那寡婦一起被火葬。

The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash , save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view ; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of chupenie , twenty miles south - westward from benares , the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of behar ; or ghazipur and its famous rose - water factories ; or the tomb of lord cornwallis , rising on the left bank of the ganges ; the fortified town of buxar , or patna , a large manufacturing and trading place , where is held the principal opium market of india ; or monghir , a more than european town , for it is as english as manchester or birmingham , with its iron foundries , edge - tool factories , and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward 這一切景物,象閃電般一掠而過,有時被一陣濃濃的白煙,遮蓋得模糊不清。沿途,旅客們只能隱約地看見:距貝拿勒斯城東南二十英里的比哈爾歷代土王城寨舒納爾堡,加茲鋪和這個城區一些制造玫瑰香水的大工廠以及印度主要的鴉片市場巴特那,還有那個比較歐化和英國化的城市蒙吉爾,它很象英國的曼徹斯特或伯明翰,以冶鐵制造鐵器和刀劍馳名。那些高大的煙囪噴吐著烏黑的濃煙,把整個卜拉馬活佛的天空搞得烏煙瘴氣。

Left an orphan , she was married against her will to the old rajah of bundelcund ; and , knowing the fate that awaited her , she escaped , was retaken , and devoted by the rajah s relatives , who had an interest in her death , to the sacrifice from which it seemed she could not escape 她知道自己要被燒死,所以就逃跑了。不幸立刻又被捉了回來。土王的親屬認為她的死是一件有關風俗的大事,于是決定要她殉葬,看情況這一回她是難逃一死了。

It was the body of an old man , gorgeously arrayed in the habiliments of a rajah , wearing , as in life , a turban embroidered with pearls , a robe of tissue of silk and gold , a scarf of cashmere sewed with diamonds , and the magnificent weapons of a hindoo prince 這是一個老頭兒的尸首。他和生前一樣穿戴著土王的華服,頭上纏著綴有珍珠的頭巾,身上穿著繡金的綢袍子,腰間系著鑲滿寶石的細羊毛腰帶,此外還佩著印度土王專用的漂亮武器。

As for him , he had only been struck with a queer idea ; and he laughed to think that for a few moments he , passepartout , the ex - gymnast , ex - sergeant fireman , had been the spouse of a charming woman , a venerable , embalmed rajah 他一邊笑著一邊心里想,就在剛才那一會兒,我這個曾經是體操教練消防隊班長的路路通竟變成了這個漂亮小寡婦的死男人了,變成了老土王的熏香死尸了。

Much to the guide s disappointment , the guards of the rajah , lighted by torches , were watching at the doors and marching to and fro with naked sabres ; probably the priests , too , were watching within 但是事實卻使向導大失所望,原來土王的衛兵,正舉著冒煙的火把,拿著脫鞘的軍刀,警衛著廟門,并在附近來回巡邏。當然可以猜想到在廟里邊也有僧侶防守著。

The old rajah was not dead , then , since he rose of a sudden , like a spectre , took up his wife in his arms , and descended from the pyre in the midst of the clouds of smoke , which only heightened his ghostly appearance 原來老土王并沒有死!他突然地站了起來,象幽靈一樣雙手抱著那個年輕的女人,走下了火葬壇,在那彌漫的煙霧里,他更象是一個妖怪!

Phileas fogg and his companions , mingling in the rear ranks of the crowd , followed ; and in two minutes they reached the banks of the stream , and stopped fifty paces from the pyre , upon which still lay the rajah s corpse 兩分鐘后,他們到了河邊,離那放著老土王死尸的火葬壇不到五十步遠的地方停了下來。

Bristol , uk honors indian leader and humanitarian rajah ram mohan roy whose work for women ' s rights in india earned him the name “ founder of modern india . 英國布里斯托市尊崇印度領導者兼人道主義者拉姆?莫罕?羅伊對于印度婦女權益所做的努力,他也因此得到現代印度創立者的稱號。

This was a meal fit for a rajah . and though i ' m certainly no indian prince , i savored every last hand - held morsel 這款菜肴是招待印度王候爺的,我雖然不是什么印度的王親國戚(王子) ,但我可以盡情地享受印度美味的菜肴,一口,一口地品味印度菜肴的最后真蒂。

A considerable portion of india is still free from british authority ; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent 實際上,印度內地依然存在著一些使英國認為兇猛可怕的土王,他們仍然保持著完全獨立。

The woman left the town , took refuge with an independent rajah , and there carried out her self - devoted purpose 后來這個寡婦就離開孟買,逃到一個獨立的土王那里。在那里她的殉葬愿望得到了滿足。 ”

Asked mr fogg . is that of the prince , her husband , said the guide ; an independent rajah of bundelcund “那是一位土王,他是那女人的丈夫, ”向導回答說, “他是本德爾汗德的一個獨立的土王。 ”

His father was the rajah of the sakya clan , king suddhodana , and his mother was queen maha maya 他的爸爸是釋迦部落的首老- -凈飯王,他媽媽是摩耶王后。

The resuscitated rajah approached sir francis and mr fogg , and , in an abrupt tone , said , let us be off 一到那兒,他就用很急促的聲音說: “快走! ”

“ he is better than a common rajah , “ retorted jenny , “ he ' s a thousand times better . “他可比一般的王公強, “珍妮反擊, “他比他們強多了.

What money he could lay his hands on he spent like an indian rajah 他能夠占有他像一位印度王公一樣花銷的錢。

A 19th century french traveler described an excruciating method in india during the rule of the rajahs . 十九世紀有一位法國旅行者描述了印度王公統治時期一種極其殘酷的行刑方式。

All they had were of course at the disposal of the rajah . 他們所有的一切當然都得聽憑王公的支配。