
raiser n.1.舉起者,提出者,提高者(等)。2.(資金等的)籌...


Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom : but within few days he shall be destroyed , neither in anger , nor in battle 但11 : 20那時必有一人興起接續他為王、使橫征暴斂的人、通行國中的榮美地、這王不多日就必滅亡、卻不因忿怒、也不因爭戰。

We also know that those raising funds through , for example , ipos in hong kong last year were predominantly mainland enterprises , in other words , fund raisers from other jurisdictions 我們亦獲悉去年在香港透過首次公開招股集資的,主要是內地企業,亦即來自其他地區的集資者。

Immediately after the brief but solemn ceremony , the wonderful entertainment program began . the heartwarming sound of drums of a korean drum dance was the curtain - raiser 簡單隆重的儀式之后,精彩的節目表演緊接著上場,首先由韓國傳統鼓樂拉開序幕,咚咚鼓聲振奮人心。

His outbursts at reporters have earned him a reputation as a hell - raiser but crowe mostly tends to avoid the media and let his acting speak for him 他對待記者的粗暴已經使他獲得了一個“惹事鬼”的名聲,但大部分情況下克洛往往會避開媒體,用自己的演技來替自己說話。

The veterinary service division of company , which made up of 5masters and 12 bachelors with experience , provides raisers excellent services in time for free 公司設有由豐富經驗的5名碩士、 12位學士組成的畜牧獸醫技術服務部,常年為養戶免費提供及時、優質的技術服務。

If juve allow buffon and trezeguet to leave , they would be powerful bargaining chips which could be used in trade deals or they could be massive revenue raisers 如果尤文允許布馮和特雷澤蓋轉會,那必將是一個非常大的交易,或是用球員交換他們,或是得到大量的資金。

Regarding the public register , fund - raisers would be required to pledge and demonstrate their compliance to the reference guide before they were included on the register 關于上述公開名冊,籌款機構必須承諾遵行并已采取措施落實《參考指引》 ,方可名列該名冊;

In the light of the vast number of fund - raising activities and bodies , the register would only initially concentrate on those charitable fund - raisers from the welfare sector 由于本港的籌款活動和機構不勝枚舉,最初該名冊只會集中臚列福利界的慈善籌款機構。

Only on thursday , germany coach jurgen klinsmann ruled his captain out of the world cup curtain raiser - with the key midfielder struggling with a calf complaint 僅僅在周四,德國教練尤爾根.克林斯曼把他的隊長排除在世界杯揭幕戰之外?這名中場核心腿部受傷。

Manulife awarded top fund raiser title in walks for millions 2004 05 funds raised by the company exceeds one million dollar to support the needy in the community 宏利勇奪二零零四至二零零五年度公益金百萬行最高籌款隊伍大獎籌得逾百萬善款扶助有需要人士

Investment banking , which connects corporations with corporations , and investors with raisers , is a kind of financial industry with intense intelligence 投資銀行是一項在資本市場中溝通企業與企業、投資者與融資者的高智力密集型的金融服務產業。

Manulife awarded top fund raiser title in the walks for millions 2002 2003 company raises a record hk 1 million to support the needy in the community 宏利全力支持抗炎行動為兒童提供電話輔導并捐贈三十萬元予香港公益金心連心全城抗炎大行動基金

The gunners first took part in the traditional curtain - raiser to the english season in 1930 , beating sheffield wednesday at stamford bridge 在1930年,阿森納第一次參加這項作為英格蘭賽季揭幕戰的賽事,在斯坦福橋戰勝謝菲爾德星期三隊。

Different types of financial intermediaries play different roles to cater for the needs of different categories of savers or investors and fund raisers 金融中介人有不同類別,擔當不同角色,應付不同類別的投資者及集資者的需要。

The chronicle of philanthropy - news source for charity leaders , fund raisers , grant makers , and others involved in philanthropic enterprises 紀事慈善新聞來源,為慈善組織領導,資金籌措,補助廠商,以及其他從事慈善事業的企業

We see a financial system that is not as efficient as it could be in allocating funds based on the credit - worthiness of the fund raisers 我們看到金融體系在按集資者的信貸狀況來分配資金方面未能達到應有的效率。

“ the politician was in him , ” says his former working partner . “ he was a great promoter and money raiser 他的一位前合作伙伴說: “小布什很有政治家的潛質,同時他也是一個了不起的籌辦者和籌款人。

At that time , because of our country and all sorts of interests questions of world , ended in the raiser ' s failure finally 當時,由于國內和國際的種種利益問題,最終以提出者的失敗而告終。

As mentioned earlier , this may also be the preferred arrangement for foreign investors and fund raisers 正如上文提到,海外投資者及集資者可能較為喜歡這種安排。